1. Say hello first
  2. Introduce yourself to others
  3. Take risks and don’t be afraid of rejection
  4. Show your sense of humor
  5. Be open to new ideas
  6. Do your best to remember other people’s names
  7. If you forget someone’s name, then ask again
  8. Show curiosity and some interest in others
  9. tell others about the big things in your life
  10. Tell others how you are doing
  11. make others feel like you are good listeners by restating their points in other ways.
  12. be enthusiastic about the exciting things in your life with people you meet
  13. Get out of your circle and make new friends
  14. Recognize each other’s individuality
  15. Show your sense of humor when talking to other people
  16. Tell people what you are doing in short sentences
  17. Reintroduce yourself when someone forgets your name.
  18. tell others about something interesting and challenging that you do
  19. be alert to open and closed body language
  20. use eye contact and smile when you first talk to someone
  21. greet people you see regularly
  22. look for common interests, goals, and experiences among the people you know
  23. Help others in any way you can
  24. Let others talk to you.
  25. Answer common courtesy questions directly and honestly.
  26. Show enthusiasm for the other person’s interests.
  27. Balance the amount of information exchanged with each other
  28. Be able to talk about a wide variety of topics
  29. Stay attuned to current issues and events that affect the lives of all people.
  30. Listen openly to the thoughts and feelings of others.
  31. express your feelings, opinions, and emotions to others
  32. Use “I” and express your feelings when talking about personal matters.
  33. Don’t use “you” when you want to say “I.”
  34. Make the person you are talking to feel that you are willing to talk to them.
  35. Invite people to join you for dinner, a social event, or other friendship activities.
  36. keep in touch with friends and acquaintances
  37. Seek the advice of others
  38. Look for positive people you meet
  39. begin and end your conversations by addressing people by name, shaking hands, or greeting them warmly
  40. Take time to talk to your neighbors and co-workers in a heartfelt way.
  41. Make others feel that you want to know more about them.
  42. Ask someone about something they told you in a previous conversation.
  43. Listen carefully to the clues that others give in what they say.
  44. If you’ve had enough of one topic, change the subject at the right time.
  45. Always search for other people’s interests
  46. Praise people for what they wear, do or say.
  47. Send signals of acceptance to encourage others to communicate with you.
  48. Try to find people you like and have fun talking with
  49. When you tell a story, state the main point first, followed by the details that support the argument.

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