101 The Slap Shot Effect

  When you shoot a basketball, the more force you use, the higher the basketball jumps. The higher the expectations of the students, the fuller the potential of the students will be realized. A good teacher always trusts students as much as possible and encourages them constantly; while criticisms are as polite as possible without intensifying conflicts.

102 Bystander effect In 1993, Sichuan Dazhu Mining Bureau, a high school entrance examination more than 28 points of the admission line of the male students surnamed Han, water play accidentally slipped into deep water. As a result, there were many onlookers, many of whom were young and strong, but none of them lent a helping hand, which finally led to Han’s drowning.  Heilongjiang first-class pilots were stabbed to death by criminals in full view of the public.  In the summer of 1993, in Kunming, Yunnan Province, a rural girl was pressed by a group of thugs and paraded naked on the street. …… Although we have heard the story of “many hands make light work” when we were very young, more and more facts have proved to us that the strength of many hands does not necessarily mean that they are big. On the contrary, many times it is precisely because of a large number of people, the power is dispersed, but the power seems to be small. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as the “bystander effect”, which is also jokingly referred to as “it doesn’t rain when there are too many dragons”.  The bystander effect was introduced in the United States, began in New York shocked the United States of America’s Genovese case.  The Genovese case was a murder case that happened in the United States in 1964. At three o’clock in the morning on the day of the murder, a girl named Genovese was killed by a gangster with a knife on her way back to her apartment. What made the case special was that it lasted for over 30 minutes, and 38 of the victim’s neighbors heard the cries for help, and many of them went to the window for a long time to see what was going on. However, during the more than 30 minutes between the victim and her neighbor, not a single person came to her rescue or even made a gesture to call the police in time, thus making a tragedy that should not have happened a reality.  After the case, all sectors of society reacted strongly, some people believe that the root cause of the tragedy occurs in the city’s interpersonal relations of indifference, while social psychologists are not so pessimistic. They believe that the reason why people do not provide timely help is that many people have a kind of “maybe other bystanders will help the victim”, so everyone has good expectations of others, put the blame on others, but think that they do not have the responsibility to provide help, the result is that no one really provide help.  The root of the bystander effect lies in the diffusion of responsibility. The more bystanders there are, the less responsibility each person feels for himself or herself, and the less likely he or she is to help, while bystanders who believe that “no one will help the victim but him or her” feel an unavoidable responsibility for the victim, and therefore actually provide assistance more often. So many tragedies occur in full view of the public, and for no other reason than that the people who are there

103 The Pickle Effect

The same vegetables taste different when they are cooked separately after being soaked in different water for a period of time. People in different environments, due to long-term exposure, their character, temperament, quality and way of thinking, etc., there will be obvious differences, as people often say, “Nearly Zhu is red, near the ink is black”. The “pickle effect” reveals the truth that “man is the son of the environment”, and the environment has an irresistible influence on human growth. People are more sensitive to the influence of the environment in their early years, and when they are colored pale, they are pale, and when they are colored yellow, they are yellow. The phrase “out of the sludge but not stained” is for some xxxxxx, but does not match the reality of children.

Inspiration: Young children are directly immersed in the kindergarten and home environments. Have every teacher and parent carefully considered whether the various factors in their children’s environments are healthy? What effect will each factor have on the child? Have the obvious harmful factors been actively eliminated or controlled? From the perspective of mental health, the mental environment often influences children more than the physical environment. What kind of mental environment have teachers and parents created for children? Are they more supportive, encouraging, praising, affirming, appreciating, free, autonomous, and selective mental environments?

104 The Pegasus Effect

In some television programs, there have been so-called peculiar memory shows. Usually a blackboard is set up on the stage, and then the audience is randomly asked to name some words, numbers, program names, formulas, foreign language words, and so on, and write them on the blackboard in order. The performer does not look at the blackboard during the process, but he can accurately speak any of the content according to the audience’s requirements, and can even memorize the entire content backwards.
  This seems to be an amazing performance, but in fact it is just the use of the Pegasus Memory Technique, which produces the “Pegasus Effect”. This method is actually not difficult, it is to create a set of memory codes, for example, (1) – hat, (2) – glasses, (3) – scarf, (4) – clothing, (5) – waist. -clothes, (5) – belt, (6) – pants …… and memorize them skillfully, and then connect them by association to the material to be memorized. For example, you are asked to memorize the words: (1) elephant, (2) pumping, (3) bath, (4) fan, (5) bicycle, (6) water …… so that you can associate the elephant with the fixed code of the first number of hats, associating the elephant’s trunk with a hat. To remember the sixth word, “water,” associate it with pants – water makes the pants wet.
  By coding associations in this way, it is not difficult to memorize. This is because when we make associations, we consciously magnify the things we associate with, and the representations are clear and peculiar. For example, when trying to remember the fourth word, electric fan, which is associated with clothes, if the representation is that the electric fan blows away the clothes it is quite ordinary, but if it is imagined that the electric fan wears a down coat, it is very peculiar, which makes it easier to remember this object.
  There are various kinds of fixed codes for the Pego mnemonic, such as numbering the parts of one’s body according to their top and bottom, numbering the things one can see when one enters the door, numbering the names of one’s friends and relatives, and so on.
  When we master this method in the learning process, we can avoid the boring monotony of memorization and make it interesting. Of course, the mastery of this method is not an overnight thing, it requires us to go to regular exercise, and as far as possible to make their own associations peculiar striking extraordinary.

105 matching effect

In the 18th century, there is a French philosopher called Denis Diderot, one day, a friend sent him a fine texture, exquisite workmanship, elegant pattern of burgundy robe, Diderot very much like. But he wore a flashy robe at home to find the feeling, always feel the furniture style is not right, the carpet stitching is also coarse and scary. So in order to match with the robe, the old things have been updated, the study finally kept up with the grade of the robe, but he felt very uncomfortable, because “he was actually coerced by a robe”. Two hundred years later, Harvard University economist Juliet Schroer in the book “overconsumption of Americans”, this phenomenon is called the “Diderot effect”, can also be called “matching effect”, that is, people in possession of a new item constantly configure their compatible items in order to achieve psychological balance of the phenomenon. From the perspective of the growth process of students, whether it is good behavior or bad habits, can be found to cause the behavior of a “robe”, here I would like to remind the classroom teacher, should be more for the students to prepare a few pieces of valuable “robe”.

106 The Pygmalion Effect
  In 1968, American psychologists Rosenthal and Jacobson did an experiment: they came to an elementary school, randomly draw 3 students from each class, a total of 18 people wrote on a form, extremely serious to tell the principal, the teacher, and disclosed to the students that these students on the list were identified as “newly bloomed flowers”, with a “academic achievement” in the near future. The students on the list were identified as “new flowers” with the potential to produce “academic sprints” in the near future. In fact, the list of students was drawn up arbitrarily and was not based at all on the results of the intelligence test. However, when the test was repeated eight months later, a miracle occurred: not only did all the students on the list improve rapidly, but they were also cheerful, had a strong desire to learn, and had a particularly strong bond with their teachers. Later these 18 people all in different positions to do extraordinary achievements. Rosenthal and Jacobsen borrowed the name of a prince in Greek mythology and named the experiment “Pygmalion effect”. Legend has it that Pygmalion fell in love with a statue of a young girl, and under his ardent expectation, the statue became alive and married him. Why did this miracle occur? Since Rosenthal and Jakobson were famous psychologists, teachers were convinced by the lists provided by them, and a positive emotion of special love for the students on the lists arose in the educational process. Teachers can’t hide their deep love in the process of teaching and learning through words, smiles, eyes and so on. In this deep love, students will produce a self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, self-improvement of the psychological, driven by this psychological, they have made significant progress. This effect is the resonance phenomenon in the expectation psychology. Applied to the management of the work, the leadership of the subordinates should be invested in feelings, hope and special inducement, so that subordinates can play their own initiative, enthusiasm and creativity.
  The “Pygmalion effect” tells us that in the management of work and interpersonal communication, once the goodwill perception of each other, consciously or unconsciously sent expectations, the other side will produce corresponding to the characteristics of this expectation, such as leadership in the handover of a task, it may be worthwhile to subordinates, said: “I believe that you will be able to do a good job! “, “you will have a way”, “I want to hear the news of your success early”, etc., so that subordinates will be in the direction of your expectations, talent is also produced in the expectation.

107 broken window effect

American psychologist Zhan Ba Dou once did a “car theft experiment”, will be two identical sedan were placed in a very good environment of the middle-class community and the environment is more dirty slum area, the results found that the slum area of the car was quickly stolen, and another a few days later is still intact; if the middle-class community of the car’s sunroof glass broken, a few hours later, the car was also stolen. Later, on the basis of this experiment, the American political scientist Wilson and the criminologist Kaelin put forward the famous “broken window theory”: if someone breaks a piece of glass on a building and fails to fix it in time, someone else may be subject to certain implicit connivance to break more glass.   The “broken window theory” reflects the suggestive effect of details on people, as well as the important role of details on the outcome of the incident should not be underestimated. As it turns out, the Broken Window Theory can indeed guide us in our lives.   In the 18th century, New York was known as a dirty city with a poor environment and rampant crime, and the subway was particularly serious, an extension of the evils, with a wanted man for every seven ticket evaders and a man with a weapon for every 20 ticket evaders. 1994, the new police commissioner, Mr. Bratton, began to govern New York. He started with the subway cars: the cars were clean, the platforms were clean, the platforms were clean, the steps were clean, the streets were clean, the streets next to them were clean, the neighborhoods were clean, and the whole of New York was clean, clean and beautiful. Now New York is one of the best-governed cities in the United States, and this event is also known as the “New York trigger”.   There is also a campus known as the “broken window phenomenon”: class a new repeaters, because of his hard work, making the original want to muddle through the vibration of the students, the learning atmosphere began to change for the better, and sometimes the teacher repeatedly emphasized the focus, some people may not think, but his words – the content of this test – will immediately cause students to pay great attention to the words of repeaters than the teacher’s words are still! effective! This shows that timely repair of the first broken glass can effectively prevent the “broken window phenomenon” in the bud.   Replacing the glass in the “Broken Window Theory” with xxxxxx, it becomes another expression, which is also my touch on the “Broken Window Theory”: what kind of impression a person leaves on others depends on how he behaves in some details. Spitting on the floor implies that a person lacks the necessary cultivation;
Talking loudly in public implies that a person likes to express himself;
What kind of socks one wears, implying how a person’s taste is;
A person who speaks ill of others behind their back, implying that he cannot be trusted;
A person who is skeptical about everything, implying that he is a pessimist;
A person who is dissatisfied with everything, implying that he is a cynic;
The man who does not take small advantages is implying that he is upright ……

  Every big thing is made up of countless small things – that is, details – and by making the details as perfect as possible, the future result is likely to be perfect. A person’s life also consists of countless details; do the little things well, leave a good impression on others, and the future will be even better.

108 Waterfall Psychological Effect

A person casually said words, but make others very “not happy”, a little “a stone stirred up a thousand waves” meaning. This phenomenon in psychology, known as the “waterfall psychological effect”, that is, the message sender’s psychological calm, but the message was received but caused by the unsettled psychology, leading to changes in attitude and behavior, this psychological effect phenomenon, just like the waterfall in nature, above the calm and quiet, but the following splash flowers and fog. This psychological effect phenomenon is like a waterfall in nature, which is calm above but splashing below.

109 Zijanic effect

The French psychologist Zigaanic once did an experiment: a group of students were divided into two groups, allowing them to complete 20 tasks at the same time. As a result, one group successfully completed the tasks, while the other group did not. The experiment showed that, although the trainees in the acceptance of the task are presented with a state of tension, but the successful completion of the task, the tension gradually disappeared, while those who did not complete the task, the tension persists, and is aggravated tendency. The latter phenomenon is known as the “Zigarnik” effect. This effect reveals us: the heavy burden of learning, students in a long-term state of tension, the learning effect will be worse and worse. As a classroom teacher, we must pay attention to this effect, and take effective measures, first, do not put forward too many students, too high requirements; second, the classroom teacher should try to help students to complete the task on time, in order to appropriately ease the students’ nervousness, so that the students learn happily.

It is also easier to appear in education and teaching. If students are in a state of tension for a long time, the learning effect will be affected. Therefore, in education and teaching, teachers should learn to untie the students, respect the students’ personality development, create a loose and harmonious teaching atmosphere, so that children are free to develop; the implementation of hierarchical teaching, reduce the burden on students, so that the educational and teaching activities have tension and relaxation; at the same time, we should pay attention to the students who have the desire to make progress to exert comfort, so that they can hold up their heads and walk.

110 Expectation effect (Rosenthal effect)

Once, the psychologist Rosenthal went to a school to do a survey, scratched a part of the list and told the class teacher that these students had great potential for development, but asked the class teacher not to tell the students. After a semester, it was found that these students improved rapidly. In fact, these students were randomly scratched out, which is the famous Rosenthal effect, also known as the expectation effect. It tells us that sincere expectations and unremitting efforts will eventually bear the expected fruits. Normally, classroom teachers should be full of confidence and have high expectations for their students, so that this sincere expectation can become the driving force and direction of students’ development.

111 The Frog Effect 

Once upon a time there was a fable about a boiled frog: if a frog was put in boiling water, it would dive out of the water; if a frog was put in boiling water, it would dive out of the water.

If you put a frog in warm water, it will feel comfortable. Then you raise the temperature slowly, even if it’s 80 degrees Celsius.

Even if you raise the temperature to 80 degrees Celsius, the frog will still stay in the water without any problem. As the temperature continues to rise to 90-100 degrees Celsius, the frog will be comfortable.

-to 100 degrees Celsius, the frog will become weaker and weaker, and in this case, the frog will lose the ability to escape until it is cooked.

In this case, the frog loses the ability to escape until it is cooked. In this case, the frog has lost its ability to escape until it is cooked. In the second case, why can’t the frog get out of danger by itself?

This is because the frog’s internal organ that senses threats from the bottom up can only sense intense environmental changes, but not slow, gradual environmental changes.

It is because the frog’s internal organs that sense bottom-up threats can only sense intense environmental changes, but not slow, gradual environmental changes. This is the “frog effect”. The “Frog Effect” tells us one thing: “Live in sorrow, die in peace”.

112 Emotional Effect

There was an outstanding philosopher named Democritus in Ancient Greece, who always welcomed people with a smile on his face and did not put on airs, and was beautifully known as “The Smiling Philosopher”. Nowadays, the waiters in the stores and hotels all carry out the “smile service”, aiming at obtaining a good emotional effect. Similarly, if we can pay attention to the adjustment in normal times, especially when the class teacher’s work is not smooth or bad mood, give students more smiles, give students trust, and create a relaxed psychological environment for the growth of the students, then, when the students make mistakes, even if we harshly criticized him, he will think that it is for his own good, and thus be able to accept our criticisms with an open mind.

113 Authority Effect

It means that if the speaker has a high status, authority and respect, what he says will easily attract other people’s attention and believe in its correctness, i.e., “a man’s words are not important, but a man’s words are important”. The prevalence of the “authority effect” is firstly due to people’s “security psychology”, that is, people always think that the authority figure is often a correct model, and obeying them will give them a sense of security and increase the “insurance factor” that they won’t be wrong; secondly, it is due to the fact that people always think that the authority figure is often a correct model. Secondly, it is because people have the “approval mentality”, that is, people always think that the requirements of authority figures are often consistent with social norms, in accordance with the requirements of authority figures to do, will be praised and rewarded in all aspects. In real life, the use of “authority effect” of many examples: advertisements, please authority figure praise a certain product, in the debate reasoning quoted authority figure as an argument and so on. In interpersonal communication, the use of “authority effect”, but also to achieve the purpose of guiding or changing the attitude and behavior of the other party.

114 Hot hand effect

If a basketball player hits consecutive shots, fans generally believe that the player has a “good hand” and will score again in the next shot. In a roulette game, gamblers often believe that the colors red and black will alternate, and that if there is too much red before, black is more likely to appear next time. However, intuition is not necessarily reliable. In fact, there is no connection between the first shot and the second shot, and the chances of red and black appearing in a spin of the roulette wheel are always 0.5.

Just like fans misled by the “hot hand effect” or gamblers swayed by the “gambler’s fallacy”, investors predicting stock prices are also susceptible to the influence of previous price information, using intuition instead of rational analysis, resulting in the so-called “heuristics Psychology”. For example, a pharmaceutical company’s share price long-term upward, in the early stage, investors may show “hot hand effect”, that the stock price trend will continue, “buy up not buy down”; but once the stock price has been high up, investors are worried about the rising space is getting smaller and smaller, the price trend will “buy up not buy down”; but once the stock price has been high up, investors are worried about the rising space is getting smaller and smaller, the price trend will “buy up not buy down”. Small, the price trend will be “reversed”, so the tendency to sell enhanced, resulting in “gambler’s fallacy”. “Both the ‘hot hand effect’ and the ‘gambler’s fallacy’ come from a cognitive bias in psychology-namely, the belief that the outcomes of a series of events are somehow implicitly autocorrelated. ” A team of four scholars, Lin Shu from Nanjing University Business School, Yu Qiao, Tang Zhenyu, and Zhou Jian from Fudan University School of Management and Tsinghua University School of Public Administration, used psychological experiments to study the trading behaviors and psychological expectations of individual investors in China when confronted with information about past stock prices.

In an article published in the August issue of Economic Research entitled “A Psychological Experimental Study of Investors’ Hot Hand Effect and Gambler’s Fallacy,” Lin Shu and Yu Qiao found that “among highly educated individual investors or potential individual investors in China’s capital market, there is a significant difference in their trading behavior and expectations when facing past stock price information. In the Chinese capital market, among highly educated individual investors or potential individual investors, the ‘gambler’s fallacy’ effect is stronger than the ‘hot hand effect’ and dominates over the serial changes in stock prices,” meaning that regardless of whether the stock price is rising or falling, investors are more willing to believe that the price trend will go up or down. Investors are more likely to believe that the price action will reverse in the opposite direction. Based on this finding, the study concludes that “when the Chinese stock market is in a medium- to long-term ‘bear market’, there is a fundamental psychological incentive for individual investors with higher levels of knowledge to anticipate a market rebound.”

132 The Sleep Effect

A system of consumer protection in mail-order or door-to-door sales, whereby even a signed contract of sale is automatically voided after a certain period of time has elapsed. This system is called “coolingoff”. The word “cooling” here refers to the period of time between when a contract is initially considered “good” and when it may be considered not so good. On the other hand, a bad impression that is initially perceived as “no good” may disappear with the passage of time, and a good impression may emerge as a result. Psychology calls this phenomenon the sleep effect. For example, when a negotiation is at an impasse and is about to break down, suggesting “Let’s have lunch first and make a decision afterward” gives both parties a period of time to calm down and think. When the negotiation is resumed, the progress will be exceptionally smooth. When the negotiation reaches the climax or just after the persuasion, give the other party a period of time to think, will receive good results. This is because the temporary separation of the persuader from the content of the persuasion will increase the credibility of the message and allow the other party to make a calm judgment.

133 Sequential effect

Interview examiners tend to be affected by the order of the interview when they are evaluating a number of candidates in turn and are unable to evaluate the candidates objectively. For example, after an examiner has interviewed three very unsatisfactory candidates, the examiner will have a much better impression of the fourth candidate than of the first three, even if he is average. Conversely, if an examiner interviews three very desirable candidates in a row, even if the fourth candidate is average, the examiner will perceive him to be worse than he actually is.

The 134stroop effect

A great deal of research has been conducted by researchers on visual selective attention.The stroop effect is a widely used visual task. The effect is that subjects respond slower when the printed color of the word conflicts with the meaning of the word and the task is to name the printed color. stroop (1935) first demonstrated this effect. He found that it took people an average of 110 seconds to name the ink colors of 100 conflicting words. In contrast, naming the ink colors of 100 solid colored squares took an average of only 63 seconds. The 47-second difference between the two represents the amount of stroop interference or stroop effect. Older adults have a greater stroop interference effect compared to younger adults.
The amount of stroop interference has been used as an indicator to estimate the effectiveness of a suppression system. The greater the disturbance, the lower the suppression effectiveness. :: The Peter’s Principle

135 Peter’s Principle

The Peter Principle is a term used by the American scholar Lawrence? Peter’s Principle is a conclusion reached by the American scholar Lawrence Peter after a study of the phenomenon associated with promotion in organizations; in various organizations, employees always tend to be promoted to their incompetent positions because of the habit of promoting those who are competent at a given level. The Peter Principle is sometimes referred to as the “upward mobility” principle. This phenomenon is ubiquitous in real life: a competent professor is promoted to the position of university president and then becomes incompetent; a good athlete is promoted to the position of sports official and does nothing.   For an organization, once a significant portion of the organization is pushed to its incompetent level, it will cause the organization to be overstaffed and inefficient, leading to mediocre people to excel and stagnant development. Therefore, it is required to change the simple “according to the contribution of the decision to promote” the promotion mechanism of the enterprise staff, can not because of a person in a post level is doing a very good job, it is inferred that this person must be able to handle a higher level of duties. It is necessary to establish a scientific and reasonable staff selection and recruitment mechanism, objectively evaluate the ability and level of each employee, and place the employee in a position he or she is qualified for. Instead of taking job promotion as the main form of reward for employees, a more effective reward mechanism should be established, with more pay rises, vacations, etc., as the means of reward. Sometimes promoting an employee to a position where he or she cannot give full play to his or her talents is not only not a reward for the employee, but also makes it impossible for the employee to give full play to his or her talents and brings losses to the company. Psychological analysis: For individuals, although we all look forward to being promoted, don’t make moving up the ladder your only motivation. Instead of struggling to support yourself in a position that you are not fully qualified for, it is better to find a position in which you are comfortable and can make good use of your expertise.

136 Attitude Effect

Experts in psychology and zoology have done an interesting comparison experiment: in two rooms with many mirrors on the walls, two orangutans were put in. An orangutan temperament, it just entered the room, it is happy to see the mirror inside many “companions” to their own arrival are reported to the friendly attitude, so it quickly and this new “group” to play, running and playing, and live in harmony with each other, the relationship is very cordial. The relationship was very cordial. The orangutan was still reluctant to leave the room until three days later, when it was led out by the experimenters. The other orangutan, on the other hand, had a violent character, and from the moment it entered the room, it was enraged by the vicious attitude of its “kind” in the mirror, and it chased and fought endlessly with the new “group”. Three days later, it was dragged out of the room by the experimental staff, because the violent character of the orangutan has been due to anger, heart failure and death.

Inspiration: in the face of growing children, teachers should sincerely love and care about children, to report to them at all times with a friendly, amiable attitude, because the teacher’s attitude will become a child’s attitude seen in the mirror, will inspire the children to multiply the friendly, amiable attitude in response to the teacher, the teacher’s friendly, amiable attitude and the children’s response to the attitudes of the two sides of the spirit of common nutrients, the warmth of both sides of the heart, The teacher’s friendly and kindly attitude and the children’s responsive attitude together nourish the spirit of both sides, warm the hearts of both sides, and care for the hearts of both sides.

137 Substitution effect
Substitution effect refers to the change in the quantity demanded caused by a change in the price of a good when the level of consumer satisfaction remains constant. The substitution effect is when wages increase and people substitute work for leisure. This is because leisure is more expensive when wages increase. For example, when the hourly wage is $5, an hour of leisure reduces income by $5. When the hourly wage is $10, an hour of leisure reduces income by $10. This is when people reduce their leisure and work more. So, the substitution effect causes the supply of labor to increase as wages rise.

138 Stagnation Effect

  Psychologists Dennis and Nayalian concluded in their study of deprivation in nursery school children that nursery school children have a tendency to stagnate in their learning compared to normally educated children. This tendency was caused by a lack of learning opportunities due to a deprived environment, not a stagnation in the development of learning potential, a phenomenon known as the stagnation effect. What is necessary to correct the conditions of a particular child’s life is the possibility of placing him in an environment rich in learning opportunities. It can be seen that the ability to provide a rich and colorful learning environment and his own learning opportunities is very important for the child’s physical and mental development.

139 The Empathic Effect
The “generalization effect” refers to the psychological phenomenon of mutual penetration or displacement of various senses in art creation and appreciation activities, which transforms the sense of hearing into the sense of sight and touch. In elementary school music classroom teaching, according to the characteristics of music and its related dance, literature, art and drama and other forms of art organic combination, the abstract auditory art into a more intuitive and vivid form, play all the intention of the interlacing and mixing effect, so that the students can better understand and express the music. The visual, verbal and scenic effects can be utilized.
Visualization – refers to “making music observable by means of images and pictures.” Cartoons are a very typical combination of sound and picture. The witty and lively characters in the stories, combined with the visual and three-dimensional sound effects, make them a favorite among children. In the learning song “the little frog at the bottom of the well” before I let the students enjoy the cartoon “the frog at the bottom of the well”, students in the experience of the perfect combination of sound and image, the “simple” little frog in the mind rose into, thus stimulating the unlimited interest in the study of the song. (If multimedia teaching equipment is utilized, it will bring students a more realistic experience.)
With the help of language – refers to “to express the content of the musical work of the plot in words and descriptions.” For example, in the song “in the spring” before singing teaching, I use this piece of music as the background music, slowly said: “When the spring sunshine shines on the earth, everything will announce its awakening. Look at a few unknown birds are flying leisurely, they look to the right and left, jumping and leaping, as if welcoming the arrival of spring. The flowers in the distance are opening up one after another, and the buds of the trees have quietly poked out their heads. ……” The students will be mesmerized into the world of spring, so that they have a deep understanding of the scene expressed in the song.
With the help of the scene – means “like a theater stage, with simple props and character modeling to create a story scene.” For example, when enjoying the song “In the Clock Shop”, I put up a variety of clocks and watches on the wall, and some of the hands are even movable, so that once the music of “In the Clock Shop” is set, the students have the feeling of being in the scene. This is a very practical form of getting students into character more easily.

140 Projection effect:

It refers to the fact that in interpersonal interactions, cognizers form impressions of others always assuming that others have the same tendency as themselves, i.e., putting others in the same position as themselves.
In interpersonal interactions, cognizers form impressions of others by assuming that they have the same tendencies as themselves, i.e., they project their own characteristics onto others. As the saying goes, “A small man’s heart is a gentleman’s heart”.
This is one of the aspects of the projection effect.

Generally speaking, projection can be divided into two types: one refers to individuals who do not realize that they have certain characteristics, but add these characteristics to others.
One is when an individual does not realize that he or she has certain characteristics, but adds these characteristics to others. For example, a student who is hostile to others always feels that the other party
hatred towards himself, as if every move of the other person has a provocative color. The other is when an individual realizes that he or she
characteristics that are unsatisfactory to him or her, and he or she inflicts them on others. For example, if you try to cheat in the exam room, you will
lose out. It is worth noting that this latter type of projection tends to project some of one’s own undesirable traits onto those whom one respects or admires.
people they respect and admire. The logic is that if they have these traits and still have a glowing image, what’s the harm if I have them?
What’s the harm if I have these traits. The goal is to revalue one’s own undesirable traits through this projection in order to find a temporary psychological balance.
The purpose is to revalue one’s own unsatisfactory characteristics through this projection, in order to seek a temporary psychological balance.

In our lives, we need to be careful to prevent psychological biases from causing us to make poor decisions.

Herd effect: Herd mentality is common among people, and generally speaking, those who are in agreement with the majority of youth are more acceptable to youth.
Generally speaking, those who are in line with the majority of the youth are more likely to be accepted by the youth. Although people who like to be different and insist on their own opinions are often the embodiment of the spirit of the times and the leaders of youth progress, they are not the only ones to be accepted by the youth.
Although they are often the embodiment of the spirit of the times and the leaders of youth progress, it often takes a process for their non-following behavior to be accepted by the majority of the youth.
It takes time for their non-conformist behavior to be accepted by the majority of the youth. Their credibility, respect and trust among young people increases as the process develops.
The feelings gained at the beginning of the process are often the opposite of those gained at the beginning of the process.

141 The homophily effect
The homophily effect, also known as the own-man effect, refers to the fact that students categorize teachers as the same type of person, as a close friend. Students trust the words of their “own people” and accept them more easily. There is a famous saying in management psychology: “If you want people to believe that you are right and act according to your opinion, then you need people to like you first, otherwise, your attempt will fail.” Therefore, teachers should first learn to treat students as their own people, be their bosom friends and be on an equal footing with them, so as to improve their influence.
Reasonable use of the homunculus effect can shorten the psychological distance between teachers and students and cause emotional resonance between teachers and students. In the minds of the students, the teacher became their own person, is a close friend, and then the teacher taught the class also became interested. If the teaching method is appropriate, the students’ performance will naturally and gradually improve.

142 Depression effect

Just as water flows downhill, capital will be concentrated in places with low transaction costs, which is known as the “depression effect” in economics. For example, some multinational corporations run to China to set up companies because of the labor cost in China.

143 The Wallach Effect
Otto Wallach is a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, and his process of becoming a genius is extremely legendary. Wallach in the beginning of secondary school, his parents chose for him is a literary road, unexpectedly a semester down, the teacher wrote for him this comment: “Wallach is very hardworking, but overly constrained, such a person even if there is a perfect character, but also in no way in the literature to play out.” At this point, the parents had to respect their son’s opinion and let him study oil painting instead. But Wallach is neither good at composition, nor can not touch up the color, the understanding of art is not strong, the grades in the class is the bottom of the first, the school’s comment is even more unacceptable: “You are the art of painting in the unproductive talent. In the face of such a “clumsy” students, most teachers think he has become a talent without hope, only the chemistry teacher that he is meticulous, with good chemical experiments should be the character, suggested that he try to learn chemistry. The parents accepted the chemistry teacher’s suggestion. Now, the spark of wisdom of Wallach was ignited. The “unproducible talent” in literature and art was transformed into a recognized “promising student” in chemistry.
Wallach’s success, explaining the truth that the students’ intelligence development is uneven, all have intelligent strengths and weaknesses, once they find the best point of their own intelligence, so that the full potential of intelligence can be realized, they can achieve amazing results. This phenomenon is known as the “Wallach effect”.
Each student has its own flashpoints, teachers should usually observe more, find ways to play the best point of the student’s potential and the direction of the student’s development advantages, and create certain learning conditions, may ignite the child’s spark of wisdom!

Psychological effect in education and teaching has an inestimable role. If we in the classroom management, education and teaching in the appropriate use of psychological effects, not only can improve the art of education, but also will enhance the effect of education and teaching. The following author tries to cite several psychological effects and their role in education and teaching, I hope to give you some useful insights. Zijanic effect Zijanic is a French psychologist, he has done such an experiment: a group of subjects into two groups, so that they can complete 20 jobs, one group successfully completed all the work, while the other group did not complete the task. Although all subjects to accept the task are a kind of nervous state, but the successful completion of the task, nervousness gradually disappeared; did not complete the task, nervousness persists, their thoughts are always haunted by those who have not yet completed the work, which affects the completion of the task later. This phenomenon is known as the “Zigarnik effect”.

144 The Unger-Marie Effect
The Unger-Marie Effect is a term used in educational psychology, which means to give psychological hints to the trainees: you are good, you can do better, so as to make the trainees recognize themselves, explore their potential and enhance their confidence.
In the case of being honored and commended, those who are praised will naturally keep pursuing improvement in order to adapt to the needs of their work more quickly; while those who are not praised will also be given the psychological hint that opportunities will surely come as long as you work hard.

145 Weapon Effect

The famous social psychologist Birkowitz put forward the far-reaching “weapon effect” theory of aggression in 1978.
He argued that human frustration does not directly lead to aggression, just as failing a test does not necessarily lead to aggression. Frustration
The main cause of aggression is anger, an emotional state of readiness.
  The occurrence of aggression is also dependent on the influence of situational aggression cues. Stimuli associated with aggression tend to make aggression
behavior to be enhanced.
  To test the plausibility of the above hypotheses, they designed an elaborate experiment.
  Berkowitz first had an experimental assistant deliberately create frustrating situations to provoke the subjects, and then the experiment arranged an opportunity that
subjects could administer electric shocks to the sham subjects who had provoked them.
  There were two scenarios when the electric shock was administered: one in which a revolver could be seen sitting on a table, and one in which only a
badminton racket.
  The results of the experiment were consistent with the researcher’s hypothesis that the provoked subjects received more electric shocks when they saw the pistol than when they saw the badminton racket.
more electric shocks. The handguns enhanced people’s aggressive behavior. Later, the phenomenon of weapons enhancing aggression was called the “weapon effect”.
Later, the phenomenon of weapons enhancing aggression was called the “weapon effect” (weapon效应).
  This experiment suggests that social violence is related to the presence of “weapons” in the environment that stimulate violence. As Berkowitz puts it.
As Berkowitz puts it, “Guns don’t just make violence possible, they stimulate it. The finger pulls the trigger, and the trigger
also drives the finger.” In this case, it was the “yellow wooden-handled hammer” that acted as a stimulus to enhance aggression. The hammer
The hammer was in Xu’s eyes in a moment of rage, enhancing the aggression.
  Domestic violence has been increasing rapidly in recent years, causing widespread concern. Where is the family headed and how can affection be maintained?
How to maintain, leaving a heavy question mark.

146 Serial position effect

The learning effect is different when the position of each part in the learning material is different. Experiments show that in serial learning, the front end and the back end learn faster than the middle. For example, to memorize a text, the beginning and end parts are better than the middle part. There is a tendency to proceed from the ends to the middle in the mastery of material. Progress from the beginning is slightly faster than from the end, and the slowest part of the mastery is not in the middle of the material, but a little later. This has been analyzed as being due to interference from inverted inhibition at the front of the series, interference from anterior inhibition at the back of the series, and successive interference from both kinds of inhibition in the middle portion of the series. In general, the effect is most pronounced in the early stages of learning. It is also influenced by many factors such as the nature and amount of material and the way in which it is presented, and the method of learning.

147 Mental Stereotypes

A Soviet psychologist once conducted a classic experiment on “psychological stereotypes”: the researcher showed the same picture to two groups of university students, but before showing the picture, he said to the first group of students that the person was a reformed criminal, while to the second group he said that the person was a criminal.

The researcher showed the same photo to both groups of college students, but before showing the photo, he said to the first group of students: this person is a hardened criminal. Then he asked each group to describe in words what the man in the photo looked like.

The first group described him as having deep-set eyes that showed his hatred and a protruding chin that proved his determination to follow the path of crime to the end. ……
  The second group’s descriptions were: deep-set eyes indicate the depth of the person’s thoughts, and a prominent chin shows the person’s will to overcome obstacles along the path of realization ……

The fact that there is such a dramatic difference in the descriptions obtained for the same person, just because of the different hints received earlier about the person’s identity, shows the great influence of mental stereotypes on people’s cognitive processes!

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