The 88 Beauties Effect

The owner of a buffet restaurant in Rome came up with a great idea to earn tips. He hired a very pretty girl to sit at the counter and collect money.

to sit at the counter and collect the money so that the men would be mesmerized and pay generously. The girl went to work and within a few days, she turned on the boss

Within a few days after she started working, she said to the boss, “I don’t think I’m as pretty as I used to be. The boss asked, “What’s the matter?

The boss asked, “What’s the matter? The boss asked, “What’s going on?” “Now all the male customers are at the counter counting their change over and over again.”

89 The Threshold Effect

The psychologist Chardini, when soliciting donations for a charity organization, doubled the amount of money raised by simply adding the phrase “even if it’s just a penny”. This is the famous “Threshold Effect”, which basically consists of starting with a low level of demand and then gradually raising a higher level of demand. Chardini analyzed that when people put forward a very simple request, it is very difficult for people to refuse, otherwise they are afraid that others will think that they are not humane. When people accept the simple requirements, and then put forward higher requirements, people in order to maintain the unity of understanding and leave a consistent impression to the outside world, psychological tendency to accept higher requirements. This effect tells us to consider the psychological acceptability of students when we put forward the requirements of students, should be less, smaller, so as to achieve good educational results.

90 Immunization effect

  When the material studied after a significant forgetting and then review, the learner because of the discovery of the forgotten content, so it can stimulate the motivation to review, he no longer see the review as redundant, in the review to strengthen the efforts and attention; in this review, the learner can also find the reasons for forgetting, such as the newly acquired knowledge is vague and unclear, not sufficiently differentiated, unstable, etc., and so on, so in the review of the review to try to find ways to Strengthen the weak parts. Therefore, it is called the immune effect of forgetting, and this effect can explain why there is no obvious difference in the effect of morning and evening review. Therefore, in teaching, these two methods of revision should be flexibly arranged, and neither of them should be neglected.

91 Business card effect

In communication, if you show that you have the same attitudes and values as the other person, you will make the other person feel that you have more similarities with him.

92 Celebrity Effect

American psychologists once did an interesting experiment, when giving lectures to university psychology students, they introduced to the students that they hired the world-famous chemist. The chemist then said that he had discovered a new chemical substance which had a strong odor but was harmless. Here it was just to test everyone’s sense of smell. Then he opened the cap of the bottle, and after a while, he asked the students who smelled the odor to raise their hands, and many of them raised their hands, but in fact, the bottle was nothing but distilled water, and the “chemist” was a German teacher from a foreign school. This phenomenon of belief and blind obedience due to the acceptance of a celebrity’s hints is known as the celebrity effect. Celebrity effect depends on the authority and popularity of the celebrity, the reason why the celebrity becomes a celebrity, in their field must have its superiority. Celebrities have high popularity and are familiar and loved by the world, so celebrities are more likely to arouse people’s favor, concern, discussion and memory. Due to the cognitive characteristics and psychological development of adolescents, they hope that the celebrities are more formal, superficial image sucked, they like the celebrities are mostly singers, movie stars, a kind of star phenomenon. This requires classroom teachers to choose good “celebrities” for students to promote the healthy growth of students.

93 The Mozart Effect

In 1993, Prof. Gordon Shaw of the University of California, Irvine conducted an experiment. They let college students take a spatial reasoning test immediately after listening to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos, and found that the spatial reasoning ability of the college students improved significantly. They called this phenomenon the “Mozart Effect”.
  The Mozart effect has inspired people to think about ways and means of promoting brain function from multiple perspectives, and has led to a growing realization that activities such as appreciating music, traditionally regarded as “leisure,” may have some value in the development of the brain’s potential.
  Music: Magical Power Scientists have found that when a person hears the baroque music of the 18th century in Europe, his heartbeat, brain waves, and pulse will gradually synchronize with the rhythm of the music, thus becoming slow and coordinated; his blood pressure will drop accordingly – at this time, the whole person will have a feeling of relaxation and relief. At the same time, experimental evidence also shows that if you listen to baroque music regularly, it also has a great deal of help for people’s physical and mental health, especially for some cardiac diseases, such as high blood pressure, cardiac speechlessness, insomnia, diabetes, and so on, has a very good preventive and mitigating effect.
  After Prof. Gordon discovered the “Mozart effect”, they conducted a similar experiment on elementary school students. Let a group of elementary school students in the piano training after playing a math video game about proportions and fractions; the other group of elementary school students in the English training and then play the game, the results found that the piano training of the elementary school students in the game scores 15% higher than the English training. Today, researchers have found that music not only promotes elementary school students’ fractions, percentage arithmetic skills, and spatial-temporal reasoning, but also has a significant impact on reading comprehension, verbal memory, and other mental abilities.
  Some scientists believe that music appreciation encompasses spatial perception and spatial reasoning ability, which is an important part of math ability. Music appreciation strengthens the underlying neural structures in the human brain, which in turn improves the corresponding math ability – just as muscle training strengthens a person’s athletic ability. Other scientists believe that music may be more related to our right-brain activity, and if music training is consciously enhanced, it can accordingly boost right-brain activity and thus increase work efficiency.
  The magic of music doesn’t stop there. Doctors often find that patients with Parkinson’s Syndrome are slow to move and react, but when they listen to music, or even think about music in their minds, they may miraculously regain some of their functionality. As soon as the music stops, they can’t move an inch again. This suggests that although discoveries such as the “Mozart effect” have yet to be confirmed by further scientific research, the miraculous power of music in the promotion of brain function has gradually attracted the attention of people. For patients who have lost the link between will and action, music has the potential to reconnect the broken “chain”.
  Exercise: an important means of intellectual development In the past, people thought that exercise and intelligence were opposites, and it was always assumed that a “well-developed limb” must be a “simple mind”. However, scientific research now shows that not only sports and intelligence can harmonize with each other, but also sports is an important way of intellectual development.
  Scientists have found that moderate, regular rocking of infants can promote the development of their brains, especially the vestibular system. And the vestibular system plays an important role in the development of normal mental abilities. A study conducted in the United States shows that if children every day to participate in physical activities, including spinning, jumping rope, gymnastics, somersaults, rolling, walking balance beams, in the playground some of the low sports equipment between climbing, sliding, rolling, jumping, in the classroom to participate in group games and so on, will help them to improve their academic performance. Scientists believe that these games are conducive to the development of children’s visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, vestibular senses, etc., the senses will be unified, thus promoting the play of brain function.
  For children, moderate participation in physical activity will be very effective in promoting brain development and the rapid development of many important mental functions. Even for adults, participating in more physical activities during leisure time and engaging in appropriate physical exercises can relieve the brain of work pressure, thus better engaging in work.

94 Murphy’s law

(murphy’s law) originated from an American captain named Murphy. He thought one of his coworkers was an unlucky man, and inadvertently said a joke: “If a thing is likely to be messed up, let him do it and it will be messed up.” The phrase quickly spread. Over the years, this “law” has gradually entered the realm of idiomatic expression, and its connotations have been given endless creativity, with numerous variations on the phrase, “If anything can go wrong, no matter how unlikely, it will always go wrong and cause the greatest possible damage”, “if anything can go wrong, it will.”, “Smile, tomorrow may not be better than today.” “The better something is, the less useful it is,” and “Don’t try to teach a pig to sing; not only will it not work, it will upset the pig!”

Murphy’s Law in its original form says: if there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it. (If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.) According to Murphy’s Law, 1) nothing is ever as simple as it seems; 2) everything takes longer than you expect; 3) what can go wrong will always go wrong; 4) if you are worried about something happening, it is more likely to happen.

We have all experienced this, if you are on the street ready to stop a car to go to a time-critical appointment, you will find that all the cabs on the street either have passengers or simply do not care about you, while when you do not need to rent a car, but found a lot of empty cars cruising around you, just waiting for your a raise of the hand, the car at any time to stop in front of you. If you break a mirror in the bathroom a month ago and are afraid to walk barefoot despite careful inspection and rinsing, and then after some time has passed to make sure that there is no danger, the misfortune happens as usual, and you still get your foot stuck in the broken glass. If you drop a slice of dry bread on your new carpet, it may land on both sides. But if you drop a slice of bread with jam on one side on your new carpet, it will often land with the jam side down.

Murphy’s Law teaches us that proneness to error is an inherent human weakness, and that accidents will happen no matter how technologically advanced we are. No matter how advanced the technology is, accidents will happen. And the more clever we are at solving problems, the more serious the trouble we will face. Therefore, we should be as thoughtful and comprehensive as possible beforehand, and if misfortune or loss really occurs, just smile and cope with it, the key is to summarize the mistakes made, rather than trying to cover it up.

In 2003, when the U.S. space shuttle Columbia was about to return to earth, it disintegrated over the central region of Texas in the United States, killing all six U.S. astronauts on board, as well as Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut to enter space. “The crash of the Space Shuttle Columbia also confirmed Murphy’s Law. It makes sense that something must happen to such a complex system, either today or tomorrow. After an accident, people always have to actively search for the cause of the accident in order to prevent the next accident, which is the general rationality of human beings can understand, otherwise, either give up the cause of spaceflight from now on, or allow the next accident to happen again, which is not a country can accept the results.

Man can never be God, when you are arrogant, “Murphy’s Law” will tell you know the power; on the contrary, if you admit your own ignorance, “Murphy’s Law” will help you do a more rigorous.

This is actually the role of probability, people do not count as much as God’s plan, as the old saying goes “on the mountain more than the ultimate encounter with the tiger”. There is also the saying, “Woe is me”. Such as the lottery, not even a few periods of jackpot, and finally must roll out a ten million jackpot, although the probability of disaster is also very small, but accumulated to a certain extent, will also be from the weakest link outbreak. So the key is to usually clean up the dead ends, eliminate unsafe hidden dangers, reduce the probability of accidents.

95 Grandma Moses effect
American artist Grandma Moses, to the twilight of his life to realize that he has amazing artistic genius, 75 years old began to learn to paint, 80 years old held his first solo exhibition. The Grandma Moses Effect tells us that if a person doesn’t dig up his potential ability, it will die out on its own. In the process of teaching, the first thing I do is to help students know themselves correctly and guide them to face all kinds of problems in learning frankly. Just as Granin said, “How much better would life be if everyone could know what he does! For every man is capable of much more than he feels himself capable of.”
The object of our education is to have unlimited development potential of students, fully explore their potential, cultivate their creative ability, so that they produce “Grandma Moses effect”, the potential of the students can get great play.

96 The Law of the Wooden Barrel
“The Law of the Wooden Barrel means that the amount of water in a wooden barrel with uneven sides does not depend on the longest plank on the barrel, but on the shortest plank on the barrel. To hold more water – to improve the overall effect of the barrel, not to increase the length of the longest piece of wood, but to make efforts to fill the shortest piece of wood on the barrel in turn.
  The law of the “barrel” tells managers: in the management process to make efforts to pay close attention to the weak links, otherwise, the overall work of the unit will be affected. People often say “take the long and make up for the short”, that is, the purpose of taking the long is to make up for the short, only take the long and not make up for the short, it is difficult to improve the overall effect of the work.

97 South Wind Effect

There is a fable about the north wind and the south wind bet to see who can take off the pedestrian’s coat. The north wind is strong, but the more it blows, the more tightly the pedestrians wrap their coats; the south wind is gentle and warm, so that the pedestrians consciously take off their coats. The reason why the south wind can achieve its purpose is that it responds to the inner needs of people and makes their behavior conscious. This kind of psychological reaction to inspire self-reflection, to meet the needs of the self, we call the “south wind effect”. In classroom management, classroom teachers should understand the characteristics of students and adopt a management style that meets the actual needs of students. Secondly, the management measures should be humanized, the class teacher should respect the students’ personality and self-confidence, believe that students have an upward, good heart, emotionally respecting people, caring for people, in the behavior of the people to motivate people, people, tolerate the shortcomings of the students, objectivity, rationality, and scientific treatment of education and teaching of the various problems that arise.

98 Catfish effect

Sardines will die quickly if there is no stimulation and activity after fishing, Norwegian fishermen return from the sea every time, in order not to make the fish die on the way, are in the fish cabin to put a few catfish, in order to provoke friction and disputes between them and the sardines, so that a large number of sardines in the tension of the constant swimming, the result not only to avoid the sardines die of asphyxiation, but also to ensure that they arrive alive one by one in the The result was not only to prevent the sardines from dying of asphyxiation, but also to ensure that they arrived at the harbor alive. This phenomenon was later called “catfish effect”. What it teaches us is: ① Only in the moderate tension can the ability be better utilized. Therefore, classroom teachers should create a moderately tense atmosphere for students and guide them to learn to adapt to the tension. Of course, we do not deny that excessive tension should be avoided to prevent irreversible damage to students’ body and mind. ② to make full use of the class in the “catfish”, the class often have some students, these students are generally academic performance, but “energy” is very active, especially active, in the students have a certain appeal, they are to a certain extent, affecting the class discipline and learning. If you do not play their initiative, it will often play the opposite role. If these people can be promoted to appropriate leadership positions in the setup of class cadres, the catfish effect will be produced, and the class activities will be easy to carry out, and the construction of the class will be smoother.

99 Halo effect

Also known as the halo effect, refers to the observation of a person, for his certain qualities or characteristics of a distinctive perception, thereby obscuring other characteristics. American psychologists Dane and others have a study, let the subjects look at some photos, photos of people were charismatic, non-charismatic and charismatic medium, and then let the subjects from the charisma has nothing to do with the aspects of the evaluation of these people, such as their careers, marriages, ability, etc., and the results found that the charismatic people in all aspects of the rating is the highest, non-charming people scored the lowest, this kind of beautiful people in all aspects of the good! is actually a typical manifestation of the halo effect. Many classroom teachers have the view that if a student’s performance is good, he is good at everything; if a student’s performance is poor, he is useless. This requires classroom teachers to pay full attention to the development of students’ strengths and ability to improve, so that the student’s flashpoints are recognized by others, respected by others, and enhance the student’s self-confidence. At the same time, it should also be noted that, although it is human nature to favor some students, but excessive favoritism or spoiling will lead to emotional, right and wrong, and some will be a handsome cover up a hundred ugly, in fact, the growth of students is very unfavorable.

100 The bullwhip effect.

Is a term in economics, refers to a demand variation amplification phenomenon in the supply chain, is the information flow from the final client to the original supplier side of the transmission, can not effectively realize the sharing of information, so that the information is distorted and amplified step by step, resulting in the demand for information to appear more and more fluctuations, this information distortion of the amplification of the role of the graph is very much like a very one to throw up the bullwhip, and therefore is figuratively referred to as the bullwhip effect. Can be in the upper reaches of the supply side compared to the tip, the lower reaches of the user compared to the root, once the root shaking, passed to the end of the end will appear great fluctuations. The phenomenon of demand variation amplification in the marketing process is commonly known as the “bullwhip effect”. It is a high-risk phenomenon prevalent in marketing, is the seller and supplier in the demand forecast revision, order batch decision-making, price fluctuations, shortage game, inventory liability imbalance and cope with the environmental variability and other aspects of the game results, increasing the supplier’s production, supply, inventory management and marketing instability. Enterprises can avoid or dissolve the impact of demand amplification variations from six aspects: namely, order hierarchy management; strengthen the inventory management, reasonable sharing of inventory responsibility; shorten the lead time, the implementation of outsourcing services; avoid shortages of gaming behavior; reference to historical information, appropriate reduction of the volume of corrections, sent in batches; advance the payback period. The “bullwhip effect” is a high-risk phenomenon prevalent in marketing activities, which directly aggravates the supplier’s supply and inventory risk, and even disrupts the producer’s planning and marketing management order, leading to the chaos of production, supply and marketing, to solve the “bullwhip effect The solution to the “bullwhip effect” problem is a necessary prerequisite for normal marketing management and good customer service. First, the “bullwhip effect” causes Procter & Gamble (p&g) in the study of “diapers” market demand found that the number of retail sales of the product is quite stable, volatility is not large. However, it was surprised to find that volatility increased significantly when it examined the orders placed with her by distribution centers, which said they placed orders with her based on aggregated sellers’ ordering requirements. After further research, she found that retailers tend to determine a more objective order quantity based on the forecast of historical sales and the real sales situation, but in order to ensure that this order quantity is available in time and can adapt to the incremental changes in customer demand, they usually make a certain amount of amplification of the forecast order quantity to the wholesaler to order, wholesalers, for the same reason, will be in the summary of the retailer’s order quantity and then make a certain amount of amplification to the sales center to order. The wholesaler will also make some enlargement to the sales center based on the aggregated order quantity of the retailer for the same consideration. In this way, although there is no major fluctuation in customer demand, the order quantity is enlarged one by one after the order enlargement by retailers and wholesalers. When examining orders from her suppliers, such as 3M, she was also surprised to find that the variation in orders was even greater, and that the further up the supply chain the greater the deviation in orders. This is the phenomenon of demand variation amplification in marketing activities, which is commonly known as the “bullwhip effect”. The “bullwhip effect” is a widespread phenomenon in marketing activities, because when suppliers at all levels of the supply chain only based on the demand information from their neighboring xxxxxxxx sellers to make supply decisions, the inauthenticity of the demand information will flow upstream along the supply chain, resulting in amplification of the phenomenon step by step to the most source of the supplier (e.g., the total), or the producer of the product. When it reaches the most source supplier (e.g., the general seller, or the manufacturer of the product), the demand information obtained by it and the customer demand information in the actual consumer market have a great deviation, and the coefficient of variation of the demand is much larger than that of the distributors and retailers. As a result of this demand amplification variance effect, upstream suppliers tend to maintain higher inventory levels than their downstream demand to cope with the uncertainty of sellers’ orders, which artificially increases the production, supply, inventory management and marketing risks of upstream suppliers in the supply chain, and even leads to the chaos of production, supply and marketing. There are six main reasons for the “bullwhip effect”, i.e., demand forecast revision, order lot size decision, price fluctuation, shortage game, inventory liability imbalance and coping with environmental variations. Demand forecast revision refers to the demand amplification that occurs when supply chain members use their direct downstream ordering data as the market demand information and basis. For example, in a marketing campaign, if a retailer’s historical maximum monthly sales volume is 1,000 units, but the following month falls on a major holiday, he will add a% to his maximum monthly sales volume to ensure that he does not run out of stock, so he places an order for (1+a%) 1,000 units with his upstream wholesaler. The wholesaler aggregates the projected (hypothetical) sales for the region to 12,000 units, and he adds b% to ensure that the retailers’ needs are met, so he places an order with the manufacturer for (1+b%) 12,000 units. Producers in order to ensure that the wholesaler’s needs, although he knows that there is an exaggerated component, but he does not know the specifics, so he had to at least (1 + b%) 12,000 pieces of production, and in order to play it safe, in consideration of the destruction of the case, such as missed orders, he increased production, and so on, one by one, increasing the amount of bookings, resulting in the “bullwhip effect This leads to the “bullwhip effect”. In the supply chain, each enterprise will order to its upstream, in general, the seller will not come to an order to the upper level of the supplier to order once, but in the consideration of inventory and transportation costs, based on a cycle or aggregated to a certain number of suppliers and then order; in order to reduce the frequency of ordering, reduce costs and avoid the risk of out-of-stock, the seller will often be in accordance with the optimal economic scale of the quantity of ordering. At the same time, frequent ordering will also increase the workload and cost of suppliers, suppliers also tend to require vendors in a certain number or a certain period of ordering, when the seller in order to get the goods as soon as possible or the full amount of the goods, or to prepare for emergencies, often artificially increase the amount of orders, so that, as a result of the ordering strategy led to the “bullwhip effect”. Price volatility is due to some promotional tools, or sudden changes in the economic environment, such as price discounts, quantity discounts, complimentary tickets, vicious competition with competitors and demand exceeds supply, inflation, natural disasters, social unrest and so on. This factor makes many retailers and salespeople to pre-purchase orders larger than the actual demand, because if the inventory cost is less than the benefits gained due to price discounts, salespeople are of course willing to pre-buy more, so that the order does not truly reflect the changes in demand, thus generating the “bullwhip effect”. When the demand is greater than the supply, rational decision-making is in accordance with the proportion of the order quantity allocation of existing supply, for example, the total supply only 40% of the order quantity, the rational rationing approach is to supply 40% of its order. At this time, the seller in order to obtain a larger share of the rationing, deliberately exaggerated its order demand is inevitable, when the demand cools down, ordering and suddenly disappeared, this due to the shortage of the game caused by the distortion of demand information ultimately led to the “bullwhip effect”. Inventory liability imbalance exacerbates the magnification of ordering demand. In marketing operations, the usual practice is that the supplier first store goods, to be sold by the seller sales completed before settlement. The result of this system is that suppliers need to sellers (wholesalers, retailers) before the settlement in accordance with the seller’s order volume is responsible for the transportation of goods to the seller’s designated place, and the seller does not bear the cost of goods handling; in the event of damage to the goods or oversupply of the goods, the supplier also needs to bear the exchange, return and other related losses, so that the responsibility for the inventory naturally transferred to the supplier, thus making the seller In this way, the responsibility for inventory is naturally transferred to the supplier, thus putting the seller in a favorable position. At the same time in the seller’s poor liquidity, due to a large number of inventory can be used as assets, so the seller will use these inventories and other suppliers of barter, or regardless of the supplier’s price regulations, low-priced shipments, accelerate the return of funds to alleviate the predicament of capital turnover; and then, the seller to master a large number of inventories can be used as a game of chips with the supplier. Therefore, the sellers generally tend to increase the order quantity to grasp the initiative, which will inevitably lead to the “bullwhip effect”.
Cope with the uncertainty generated by the environmental variation is also prompted by the ordering demand to amplify the intensification of the reality of the reason. Changes in the natural environment, human environment, policy environment and social environment will enhance market uncertainty. One of the most important means for sellers to cope with the effects of these uncertainties is to maintain inventories, and as these uncertainties increase, so do the inventory levels. When the prediction of uncertainty is artificially colored, or formed a more general understanding, in order to maintain a safety stock to cope with these uncertainties, sellers will increase the order, the risk of uncertainty will be transferred to the supplier, which will also lead to the “bullwhip effect”.

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