77 Cascade effect

   A phenomenon that often arises when teachers grade essay-style test questions, it is caused by the cascade of previous and subsequent test questions. The score on the previous question often affects the score on the subsequent question. In the objective type of test questions, this kind of cascade effect is not easy to produce, because the objective type of test questions before and after the boundaries of the questions are more clear, and the standard answer is also more certain, will not produce swimming; And the standard answer of the essay type of test questions but leave room for swimming. At present, the college entrance examination paper marking, the use of “running work” correction method, to a certain extent, to overcome the cascade effect.

78 chain effect

There is a saying that “the near Zhu is red and the near ink is black”, in psychology, this phenomenon is known as the chain effect, which refers to the mutual influence of people in the growth of the role. This effect is particularly evident in younger students. In terms of students, the chain effect is not unilateral, but also manifests itself in the ideological and moral aspects of mutual infection, but also in the personality, emotions, interests, abilities and other aspects of the comprehensive impact. Utilizing the chain effect of students, students with different personalities can complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, as a classroom teacher, should consciously optimize the environment around the students, such as letting the spoiled students and the more independent friends as companions, timid and fearful students should be brave and strong students friends.

79 Proximity effect

Whether two people can become friends has a lot to do with the proximity of where they live. This is known as the proximity effect. So why does proximity trigger good feelings?

Enhancement of Proximity
Proximity generally enhances feelings of closeness. People who live close to each other naturally run into each other relatively often, and the repetition of the contact triggers and enhances feelings of goodwill towards each other.
Strong similarity
People mostly choose people with similar social status and economic strength as their neighbors, and geographic proximity further enhances the similarity.
The more neighborly people are, the more available they are
Neighbors can become good friends without spending too much time and expense, and there are many things they can tell each other and joys they can share together. For example, you can ask your neighbor to look after your children or house, and you can take care of each other no matter what big or small things happen at home.
Cognitive Consistency
Living next to someone you hate is psychologically unbearable. People are mostly willing to approach people they get along with and live closer to in their interactions.

80 Zero-Sum Game Principle

When you see two people playing against each other, you can say that they are playing a “zero-sum game”. Because in most cases, there will always be a win, a loss, if we calculate the win as a score of 1 points, and the loss of chess as -1 points, then, the sum of the two scores is: 1 + (-1) = 0.

  This is the essence of a “zero-sum game”: players lose and win, one player wins exactly what the other loses, and the total score of the game is always zero.

  The principle of zero-sum game has attracted widespread attention mainly because people find that in all aspects of society can be found similar to the “zero-sum game” situation, the winner’s glory is often hidden behind the losers of the pain and bitterness. From the individual to the country, from the economy, seems to verify that the world is a huge “zero-sum game” field. This theory believes that the world is a closed system, wealth, resources, opportunities are limited, individuals, individual regions and individual countries, the increase in wealth will inevitably mean that other people, other regions and countries of the plunder, this is an “evil evolution” type of the world of the law of the jungle.

  However, in the 20th century, after two world wars, rapid economic growth, technological progress, globalization and increasingly serious environmental pollution, the concept of “zero-sum game” is gradually being replaced by the concept of “win-win”. People are beginning to realize that “self-interest” does not have to be based on “harm”. Through effective cooperation, a happy ending is possible. But from the “zero-sum game” to “win-win”, the parties should have the spirit of sincere cooperation and courage, do not play smart in the cooperation, do not always want to take advantage of others, to comply with the rules of the game, otherwise “win-win” situation will not be possible. Otherwise, a “win-win” situation will not be possible, and ultimately suffer the loss of their own.

81Leaving face effect

First put forward a big request, then put forward a smaller request, often easier to make the other party accept than directly put forward the latter.

82 The Psychological Effect of Rumors

The Warring States Strategies – Qin Strategies II recorded: “Fei Ren Hu and Zeng had the same name who killed, people told Zeng Zi’s mother said: ‘Zeng involved in murder’ Zeng Zi’s mother said: ‘My son does not kill people.’ Weaving since the bitter. In a moment, people said: ‘Zeng Sen killed people.’ His mother was still at ease.

The mother was still at ease. A short while later, a man told her again, ‘Zeng Sen killed someone. Fearing this, her mother cast her loom over the wall and left.” Pusan was a famous sage in ancient times, who emphasized the cultivation of character and morals, and reflected on himself three times a day. His mother knew him very well and believed that her son would not kill anyone, but she could not stand the words of all the people who told her that “Zeng Sen had killed someone”, so she could not sit still any longer and put down the shuttle loom and fled over the wall. Later, the term “Zengshen’s Murderer” was used as a metaphor for the fearfulness of rumors.

83The Romeo and Juliet Effect

Shakespeare’s famous play “Romeo and Juliet” depicts the tragedy of love between Romeo and Juliet. They love each other deeply, but because the two families are feuding, their relationship is not recognized by other members of the family, and the parents of the two sides are trying to obstruct them in every possible way. However, their

However, their feelings were not weakened because of parental interference, but instead, they loved each other more deeply, and eventually both of them died of martyrdom.

84 Rosenthal’s Negative Effect (Counter-Expectation)

The “Rosenthal effect” was proposed by the American psychologists Rosenthal and Jacobsen in 1968 through experimental research, which reveals such a psychological phenomenon in the educational process: the experimenter provides teachers with false information about certain types of students who have excellent potential for development, which triggers the teachers’ expectations of such students, thus showing special care and attention to them; the students’ expectations of such students are raised by the experimenter’s false information. Special care, attention; students realize that the teacher’s expectations of their own, be inspired, and therefore more diligent and hard work to learn, as a result, intelligence and academic performance increased dramatically.

Because of the special effect of the “Rosenthal effect”, many educators like to use it. However, careful analysis of various types of education cases will find that, for different types of students, “Rosenthal effect” varies significantly: some students respond positively to the teacher’s proximity and attention to the “expectations” produced by the effect is good; but there are many students Some students responded positively to the teacher’s closeness and attention, and the effect of “expectation” was good; however, many students had a poor effect of “expectation”, and sometimes even showed more negativity and disappointment. This shows that the “Rosenthal effect” and any kind of psychological phenomenon, is with conditions, has its psychological basis, that is to say, the teacher’s expectations only in the “appropriate psychological conditions” will work. For example, only in the full analysis of the students’ psychological state, learning motivation, self-consciousness and other characteristics of the basis, measured to send “expectations”, “Rosenthal” will produce a strong “positive effect “Otherwise, it may produce zero effect or even negative effect. Negative effect is mostly related to the following psychological situation:

I. Ambiguous learning motivation

The psychological premise of the “Rosenthal effect” is first of all the students’ learning motivation, learning motivation is to directly promote students to learn the internal force. Psychological research material shows that: learning motivation is complex and varied, in terms of the size of the role of motivation in each student, there are dominant motivation and auxiliary motivation. Teacher’s close attitude, special attention with expectations, is only an external condition, only when the students attach great importance to and desire to get the teacher’s “attention”, the “expectation” effect will be produced. Students this desire to be valued by the teacher, the teacher’s praise of the psychological tendency to become a subsidiary internal drive to learn, the stronger the student’s subsidiary internal drive, the higher the value of the teacher’s expectations. Affected by a variety of reasons, some students’ motivation to learn is often vague, the formation of subsidiary internal drive manifested as disordered and weak, therefore, the value of the expectations will not be too big.

Second, the strong rebound of reverse psychology

Some students are dissatisfied with their status in the family, society or school, or their parents, relatives in society for a long time in the position of being rejected or even bullied, and therefore often unconsciously all authoritative people, and even all xxxxxx as a threatening figure, as their own or their families suffer from the source of blow and pain. At their age, it is very easy to transfer this hatred to the dominant position in school life on the teacher, at this time in the “target” position of the teacher, their expectations of the students implied not only can not be accepted, but will produce a certain degree of psychological rebound or confrontation. These students are afraid of the teacher’s “when”, do not want to become the teacher’s “favorite”, the teacher’s expectations in their role is often negative, a negative effect.

Third, the sense of self-independence is obvious

In educational practice, the teacher’s expectations implied that only in those students who do not have a strong sense of self and easy to imply the role of students, “Rosenthal effect” can also show a certain effect. In fact, most of the intention of secondary school students is not with the teacher’s expectations and change, especially the increasing self-consciousness of secondary school students, intense, monotonous study exam life so that they are in a long-term negative psychological state of repression, the development of independent consciousness is often more than their peers. In front of them, the teacher’s attitude is no longer the main factor affecting learning, in the learning of self-consciousness is slightly stronger, the dominant desire to learn is not only for the realization of the teacher’s prophecy; and self-consciousness is very poor, the teacher’s expectations are more difficult to transform into the learning of the intrinsic motivation and learning action.

Therefore, if teachers’ expectations are to produce positive effects as they are expected to, they must try to create appropriate psychological conditions: firstly, teachers, the exporters of expectations, should gain students’ trust through their own knowledge, ability, cultivation and personality; secondly, they should help students, the recipients of expectations, to have the internal ability to accept expectations; secondly, they should help students, the recipients of expectations, to have the internal ability to accept expectations. -students, with the internal psychological mechanism of accepting expectations.

85 The Ant Effect

  Ants are one of the most united animals in the natural world. The power of one ant is indeed insignificant, but a legion of one million or more ants can sweep away a whole piece of tree or a building, and can gnaw a lion or a tiger into a pile of bones in a short period of time.

  The message of “ant effect” to school management is: “When hearts are united, mountains will move.” Unity is power! School leaders should have a “people-oriented” management concept, teachers should be closely united to form a “heart to one place, strength to one place, Han to one place flow” of the synergy of the situation.

86 Matthew effect

There is a famous saying in the chapter of “Matthew” in the Bible: “Where there is, add to him, so that he has more than enough; and where there is none, even all that he has must be taken away.” The famous American philosopher Roopat Merton discovered the same phenomenon, that is, the more honorary scientists, the more honors are awarded to him, while those who are obscure scientists, their achievements are often not recognized. He named this phenomenon the “Matthew effect” in 1973. In classroom management, it is good students are treated well, poor students are treated poorly, and the standard of good and poor is still mainly academic performance. For some classroom teachers in the mind of the good students, love “excess” when, will be devalued, they will become insensitive to praise, that everything is taken for granted. This kind of favorable psychosocial environment will make them grow up to become very fragile, can not withstand setbacks. And for some other students just because the score is not high, will be in a long time in the corner of the classroom teacher’s care forgotten, this artificially created poor psychological environment, will make them emotional paranoia, behavior with triggered and impulsive, which will inevitably lead to the deformed development of students’ personalities, triggering the student’s psychological disorders.

The two Matthew effect refers to the learning ability of students, speaking opportunities, and speaking opportunities, the more the ability to speak, the learning ability of the weak and vice versa, resulting in the better the better, the worse the worse, polarization. In group cooperative learning, we often come across such a situation, the higher ability members are respected, and leadership, and even steal the limelight or sacrifice the interests of other members of the group to self-benefit; while the lower ability members of the interest of cooperative learning is completely lost.

Social psychologists believe that the “Matthew effect” is a social psychological phenomenon that has both negative and positive effects. The positive effect is: “Matthew effect” makes students with strong learning ability will get more and more honors and higher and higher evaluation, which is a great attraction to the average performance of the students in the group, prompting them to work hard, in this sense, “Matthew effect ” will objectively prompt the creation of competition within the group, and cooperative learning does not exclude competition, which is in line with the spirit of cooperative learning. Its negative effect is: get high evaluation of students, if there is no sober self-knowledge and no rational attitude prone to produce the phenomenon of pride of achievement, by the group members, such as the phenomenon of unfavorable cooperative behavior. Obviously, if we simply let the spontaneous and disorderly competition of group members will only lead to the exacerbation of the imbalance.

Eliminating the negative effects of the “Matthew Effect” in cooperative learning requires that we strive to achieve a sense of social justice in evaluation. The main reason for the uneven participation of students in the “Matthew effect” is that students’ individual responsibilities are not clear, and the teacher only pays attention to the results of the group’s learning without paying attention to the learning process and individual learning progress. Therefore, in the evaluation of cooperative learning, teachers should not only pay attention to the learning results, but also pay attention to the learning process. Teachers also need to pay attention to the evaluation strategy, so that the combination of guidance and incentives for students at different levels of development, there are different requirements, and they should pay attention to each and every student, especially to the group of students with poorer abilities, they should be more attentive to the progress of the smallest.

87 The Caterpillar Effect

Caterpillars are accustomed to sticking to their original instincts, habits, precedents and experiences, and are unable to break the habit of tailing and turn to foraging.

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