66 The Candy Effect
I appreciate the experimental concept of the “candy effect” developed by Sahle.
Salle told a group of 4 year olds, “There are two pieces of candy on the table, and if you can hold on to them for 20 minutes, when I come back from shopping, you can have both pieces. But if you can’t wait that long, you’ll only get one, and you’ll get one right now!” It was a difficult choice for the 4-year-olds – they all wanted 2 pieces of candy, but they didn’t want to wait 20 minutes for it, and they could only have one piece if they wanted to eat it right away.
The result: 2/3 of the children preferred to wait 20 minutes for 2 candies. Of course, it was difficult for them to control their desire, and many of them had to close their eyes and wait in case they were tempted to eat the candy, or hold their head in their arms and not look at the candy or sing or dance. Others simply lay down and went to sleep – in order to make it through the 20 minutes! 1/3 of the children chose to eat a piece of candy right now. 1/3 of the children chose to eat a piece of candy right now. As soon as the experimenter left, they had the candy in their mouths within 1 second.
After 12 years of tracking, all the children who survived the 20-minute period (already 16 years old) had strong self-control, self-confidence, self-assurance, strong ability to handle problems, were strong, and were willing to accept challenges; whereas the children who chose to eat one piece of candy (also 16 years old) were hesitant, suspicious, envious, neurotic, good at getting into trouble with the right and the wrong, and willful, unable to resist setbacks, and had easily damaged self-esteem.
This kind of effect, which can be predicted from small experiments of self-control, judgment and self-confidence in childhood, is called the Candy Effect.
Of course this is just a family story, and Salle doesn’t point out the size of Real Horse’s sample, how many children were tested, and what their homeschooling status was.
I don’t think that a test at the age of 4 will absolutely determine a child’s personality later in life, but rather that the environment and education of the 12 years between the ages of 4 and 16 will play a much bigger role. But the effect proposed by Sahle is still quite new.

67 The Forbidden Fruit Effect

The term “forbidden fruit” originates from the Bible, which is about Eve being attracted by the forbidden fruit on the mysterious tree of wisdom to steal and eat, and was relegated to the earth, and this kind of reverse psychology phenomenon of being attracted by the forbidden fruit is called the “forbidden fruit” effect. Because young people are in a special period of development, strong curiosity, rebellious, so often appear forbidden fruit effect. It gives us two inspirations: ① Do not take the bad things as forbidden fruit, artificially increase the attractiveness of students. ② To make things that students dislike but are valuable artificially into forbidden fruits to increase their attractiveness.

68 Proximate Cause Effect

I The psychological phenomenon in which the consistent knowledge of someone is masked by what has been recently learned is called the proximate cause effect. Psychologists have shown that first impressions have a greater effect on the perception of strangers, while familiar people are susceptible to the proximate cause effect for their new and different manifestations. Proximate cause effect is also common in student interactions, for example, two students originally get along very well, A can be described as caring for B, but because of a recent “offense” B, it was hated by B, which belongs to the role of proximate cause effect. Similarly, in the process of students’ growth, most people can not always give a good first impression, which requires classroom teachers, first, to continuously improve their own ability to enhance their own attractiveness; secondly, to constantly encourage students to make progress, so that students can be presented in front of the outsiders in a new posture, and continue to motivate students to make progress.

II The so-called proximate cause effect refers to the role of the impression left by the most recent contact in the process of interaction on social perception.
The primacy effect generally plays an important role in the perception of strangers, while the proximate cause effect plays an important role among familiar people. Between people who are in regular contact and work together for a long time, they often use each other’s last impression as the basis for recognition and evaluation. And often make each other’s interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationship qualitative and quantitative changes. Real-life friendship breakups, couples turning against each other, and friends becoming estranged are all related to the proximate cause effect.
  Proximate cause effect makes us evaluate a person or interpersonal relationship only according to the person’s one thing at a time, cutting off the relationship between history and reality, phenomenon and essence, preventing us from objectively and historically looking at people and objective facts, often creating xxxxx psychological conflict between people, affecting our people and things to make an objective and correct evaluation and judgment, which has a negative impact on our actual work and life.

69 The Law of the Goldfish Bowl
The goldfish bowl is made of glass and has a high degree of transparency, so that no matter from what angle you look at it, the situation inside is clear.
The law of “goldfish bowl” is applied to the management of the unit, that is, the leader is required to increase the transparency of the work of the unit. Unit of work with transparency, the leader’s behavior will be placed under the supervision of all subordinates, will effectively prevent the leader to enjoy the privileges, abuse of power, thereby strengthening the leader’s self-restraint mechanism.
Must remember: transparency and openness is one of the magic weapons to prevent corruption and unethical practices.

1、Role effect

In real life, people participate in activities with different social roles, and the psychological or behavioral changes caused by different roles are called role effects. The formation of human roles is first established in society and others on the role of expectations, as many classroom teachers generally have a bias in the expectations of students’ social roles, such as “good students” standard is “learning”, and learning is the standard of good grades, which brings a lot of negative impact on the growth of students and the role of the development. Students have a role concept deviation, some students often take “my father is the manager”, “my grandfather is xxxxxx” and so on for bragging rights, equate themselves with the role of the elders, reversing the relationship between the role concept, resulting in the development of this kind of students into arrogance and arrogance, no one in the eye of the aberrant state of mind. In classroom management, classroom teachers should reasonably determine the roles of students according to the actual situation of students, and realize the role behavior of students by adopting the forms of role-playing and role-creation.

70 Competitive advantage effect

When both parties have common interests, people also tend to give preference to competition rather than “cooperation” which is beneficial to both parties.

71 The Wine-Sewage Effect

If you pour a tablespoon of wine into a bucket of sewage, you get a bucket of sewage; if you pour a tablespoon of sewage into a bucket of wine, you get a bucket of sewage.

The implication of the “Wine-Sewage Effect” for school management is that in some schools, it is inevitable to encounter individual “sewage” teachers, who, though few in number, are very destructive. For this reason, school leaders need to spend energy to deal with this kind of “sewage”.

72 The Role Effect

In real life, people participate in activities with different social roles, and the psychological or behavioral changes caused by different roles are called role effects. The formation of human roles is first based on the expectations of society and others on the role, as many classroom teachers generally have a bias in the expectations of students’ social roles, for example, the standard of “good students” is “good learning”, and the standard of good learning is good grades, which has brought a lot of negative impact on the growth of the students and the development of their roles. Students have a role concept deviation, some students often take ” my father is the manager “, ” my grandfather is xxxxxx ” and so on for bragging rights, equate themselves with the role of the elders, inverted the role concept of the relationship, resulting in this kind of students to develop a cocky arrogance, no one else’s deformed state of mind. In classroom management, classroom teachers should reasonably determine the roles of students according to the actual students, and realize the role behavior of students by adopting the forms of role-playing and role-creation.

73 Stereotype effect

Life can often see such examples: young people tend to think that the old people stick to the rules; and the old people tend to think that the young people behave frivolously. Professors are always gray-haired and well-mannered, while workers are strong and brisk. People’s minds about the existence of a certain type of fixed impression of the psychological phenomenon is known as the stereotype effect. Although this effect is more common in the group psychology, but also exists in the minds of many classroom teachers. Once a usually bad students have a stage of learning especially hard, in the final exam results are particularly outstanding, know the results of the exam, some classroom teachers say is: “the results are good, cheating?” Because usually classroom teachers already have a stereotype of the student, after the student’s progress or to the original standard to evaluate the student, it is easy to cause bias, prejudice, both hurt the student’s self-esteem, but also affect the image of the classroom teacher.

74 Blank effect

Psychological experiments show that in the process of speech, appropriate to leave some blank, will achieve good speech effect, this is the blank effect. It gives us the inspiration that the class teacher should be good at leaving white space, such as leaving white space in expression, for some problems, the class teacher may not speak out their own views first, so that students can think and speak, so that students have the opportunity to express their own opinions. In the practice of white space, to give students a chance to exercise and practice, improve students’ hands-on ability. Leave white space in thinking, class teachers should give students the opportunity to think and analyze, let students think, judge and face independently, students’ analytical ability will gradually improve. After criticizing, students should be given time to think and blame themselves. In this way, students will not have a sense of being “hounded”, and the resistance will be sharply reduced.

75 The Kulishov Effect

The Soviet film director Lev Kulishov used the Kulishov effect to create a new image of a movie. Kulishov made an experiment through the camera cut, the experiment was actually operated by Pudovkin. In order to understand the juxtaposition of montage, Kulishov took a close-up of the famous Russian actor Mozhyushin without any expression and cut it into three segments, which were connected to a bowl of soup, a child playing a game, and the corpse of an old woman, respectively, and then the audience seemed to notice Mozhyushin’s changing moods – corresponding to hunger, joy and happiness, respectively. -corresponding to hunger, joy, and sadness, respectively. Kulishov thus saw the possibility, rationality and psychological basis of montage composition and created the theory of the “film model”. He came to the conclusion that it is not the content of a single shot, but the juxtaposition of several images that creates the emotional response of a movie; a single shot is nothing but material, and only the creation of a montage becomes cinematic art. He proposed a positive creative program: the structural basis of the film came not from realistic material, but from spatial structure and montage.

76 The Hot and Cold Water Effect

A glass of warm water, kept at the same temperature, is accompanied by another glass of cold water and another glass of hot water. When you put your hand in the cold water and then in the warm water, you will feel that the warm water is hot; when you put your hand in the hot water and then in the warm water, you will get to the warm water is cold. This is the hot and cold water effect, where the same cup of lukewarm water has two different sensations. This phenomenon occurs because there is a scale in everyone’s heart, only the scale is not consistent or fixed. As the psyche changes, so does the scale. When the scale becomes small, the weight of the object it weighs is large, and when the scale becomes large, the weight of the object it weighs is small. People’s perception of things is influenced by the scale. In interpersonal communication, we should be good at using this hot and cold water effect. The use of hot and cold water effect, you can get each other’s favorable comments.  People in the world, it is inevitable that there is a career slippage, it is inevitable that there is careless to hurt others, it is inevitable that there is a need to criticize and accuse of others, at these times, if not handled correctly, it will reduce their own image in the minds of others. If you skillfully use the hot and cold water effect, not only will not lower their own image, but will get a good evaluation of others. When the cause of the slippery slope, may wish to advance the worst state of affairs politely tell others, even if the failure can be invincible; when accidentally injuring others, the apology may wish to exceed the due limit, so that not only can show your sincerity, but also will receive the effect of the change for the better; when you want to say unpleasant words, may wish to declare in advance, so as not to cause resentment, so that others appreciate your well-intentioned. Other people realize that you have good intentions. The use of hot and cold water effect of these moves, in essence, is the first one or two places through the “ambush”, so that the other side of the heart of the “scales” become smaller, so that it “weighs the weight of the object” also It’s a big one. A car sales company’s Lao Li, can sell more than 30 cars per month, deeply appreciated by the company manager. Due to various reasons, Li expects to sell only 10 cars this month. Mr. Li, who understands the mysteries of human nature, said to his manager, “Because of the tightening of the monetary fund and the market depression, I estimate that I can sell at most 5 cars this month.” The manager nodded in favor of his view. Unexpectedly, after one month, Lao Li sold 12 cars, and the company manager praised him greatly. What would the manager have thought if he had said he could sell 15 cars this month or had not said anything about it beforehand, and he had sold only 12 cars? He would have felt strongly that Li had failed, and instead of praising him, he would have blamed him. In this case, Lee reported the worst case scenario – selling 5 cars at most – to the manager, which made the manager’s “weight” smaller, so that when the monthly results came out, Lee’s evaluation was not lowered, but raised.   Ms. Cai seldom gives speeches, but once she had no choice but to give a speech to a group of scholars and critics. Her opening remarks were: “I am an ordinary housewife, naturally, I will not say wonderful words, so I implore you to experts on my speech do not laugh …… “After she said so, the audience in the heart of the” After she said this, the audience’s heart ” scales ” became smaller, many began to her skepticism, but also in the attentive listening to the speech. After her simple and honest speech was finished, the scholars and critics on the stage felt so good that they thought her speech had reached a very high level. They applauded Ms. Cai’s successful speech.

When a person can’t give others a pot of “hot water” directly, he may as well give others a pot of “cold water” first, and then give them a pot of “warm water”, in this way, this pot of “warm water” of this person is not a “warm water”, but a “warm water”. In this way, this person’s “warm water” will also get a good evaluation from others.

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