56 The Darkness Effect
In a dark place, when the dating parties can’t see each other’s expressions, it’s easy to reduce the sense of wariness and create a sense of security. In this case, the likelihood of getting close to each other is much higher than in brighter places. Psychologists call this phenomenon the “dark effect”.
There is a case of this: there is a man in love with a woman, but every date, he always feel that the two sides do not talk to each other. One night, he asked the woman to go to a darker bar, and the conversation turned out to be a good one. From then on, the man chose to go on all his dates to darker bars. After a few dates, the two finally decided to make a century-long relationship. Social psychologists concluded that, under normal circumstances, the average person can be based on each other and the external conditions to determine how much of their heart should be pulled out, especially for those who do not know very well, but are willing to continue to socialize, there is a sense of wariness, but also will naturally show their own good side as much as possible, their weaknesses and shortcomings as much as possible to hide. As a result, it is then relatively difficult for both parties to communicate. Butterfly effect refers to a power system, the initial conditions of a small change can drive the whole system of long-term huge chain reaction.   The American meteorologist Edward Lorenz (edward lorenz) analyzed this effect in a 1963 paper submitted to the New York Academy of Sciences. “One meteorologist mentioned that if this theory proves correct, a single seagull flapping its wings would be enough to change weather changes forever.” In later speeches and papers he used the more poetic butterfly. The most common elaboration of the effect is “A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas a month later.”   The butterfly effect is often used in complex systems such as the weather, stock market, etc. that are difficult to predict at certain times of the year. This effect shows that the results of things are extremely sensitive to the initial conditions, and a small deviation from the initial conditions will cause a big difference in the results. Butterfly effect” is used in sociology to illustrate that a bad and tiny mechanism, if not guided and regulated in a timely manner, will bring great harm to the society, which is jokingly called “tornado” or “storm”; a good and tiny mechanism, if not guided and regulated in a timely manner, will bring great harm to the society, which is jokingly called “tornado” or “storm”. “A good tiny mechanism, as long as the correct guidance, after a period of time, will produce a sensational effect, or called “revolution”. The thought-provoking “butterfly effect”.

57Washington’s Law of Cooperation
Washington’s law of cooperation says: one person works perfunctorily, two people pass the buck to each other, and three people will never accomplish anything. This is more or less similar to the “three monks” story.
Human cooperation is not a simple addition of manpower, but is much more complex and subtle. In the cooperation between people, assuming that each person’s ability is 1, then the result of the cooperation of 10 people is sometimes much larger than 10, and sometimes even smaller than 1. Because people are not static things, but more like different directions of energy, push each other naturally twice as much as half as much, and when they resist each other, they will not achieve anything.

58 Butterfly Effect

First from the United States Massachusetts Institute of Technology meteorologist Lorenz (lorenz) discovery. In order to forecast the weather, he used a computer to solve 13 equations that simulate the Earth’s atmosphere. To examine the results in more detail, he took out one of the intermediate solutions, improved the accuracy and sent it back. When he came back after a cup of coffee and looked at it again, he was shocked: the results were off by a hundred thousand miles for what was supposed to be a small difference! There is no problem with the computer, so Lorenz (lorenz) that he found a new phenomenon: “extreme instability of the initial value”, that is: “Chaos”, also known as the “butterfly effect “The Asian butterfly’s flapping wings would cause tornadoes more powerful than winds to appear in the Americas a few months later! This discovery is not trivial, so that scientists do not understand, several scientific journals have refused to publish his article, that “against common sense”: similar initial value into the equation to determine the results should also be similar to the right, how can greatly away from it! Linear, refers to the relationship between quantities and quantities proportional, into a straight line, in space and time on behalf of the regular and smooth movement; and non-linear refers to not proportional, not a straight line of the relationship, on behalf of the irregular movement and mutation. If you ask: How many times more visually sensitive are two eyes than one? It is easy to think of twice as much, but in reality it is 6-10 times as much!

This is nonlinearity: 1 + 1 does not equal 2. Laser generation is nonlinear! When the applied voltage is small, the laser is like an ordinary lamp, light scattered in all directions; and when the applied voltage reaches a certain value, there will suddenly appear a new phenomenon: the excited atoms seem to hear the “look to the right” command, the emission of monochromatic light with the same phase and direction, is the laser. Nonlinearity is characterized by: cut across various professions, penetrate various fields, almost can be said to be: “ubiquitous at all times.” For example, there is chaos in the movement of celestial bodies; the oscillation of electricity, light and sound waves will suddenly fall into chaos; the geomagnetic field in 4 million years, the direction of the sudden change of 16 times, also due to chaos. Even human beings themselves turn out to be non-linear: contrary to conventional thinking, the electroencephalogram and heartbeat of a healthy person are not regular, but chaotic, and chaos is precisely the manifestation of the life force, and a chaotic system responds to external stimuli faster than a non-chaotic system. This shows that nonlinearity is all around us, and there is no hiding from it. In December 1979, Lorenz (lorenz) in Washington, the American Association for the Advancement of Science in a lecture proposed: a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil, it is possible to cause a tornado in the United States of America in Texas. His speech and conclusion left a deep impression on people. Since then, the so-called “Butterfly Effect” has become popular and famous.

   The reason why “Butterfly Effect” is fascinating, exciting and thought-provoking lies not only in its bold imagination and fascinating aesthetic color, but also in its profound scientific connotation and intrinsic philosophical charm. Chaos theory suggests that in a chaotic system, very small changes in the initial conditions, when amplified, can make a huge difference to its future state. We can illustrate this with a ballad circulating in the West. This ballad says: lose a nail, a bad hoof; bad hoof, a broken horse; broken a horse, a knight; wounded a knight, lost a battle; lost a battle, the death of an empire. Whether a nail on the horseshoe will be lost or not is a very small change in the initial conditions, but its “long-term” effect is the fundamental difference between the survival and demise of an empire. This is the so-called “butterfly effect” in the military and political fields. It’s a bit hard to believe, but it does have the power to cause such mischief. A wise leader must guard against the slightest thing that may cause a collective internal disintegration, and then it will be too late to regret.
   A suspension bridge across a deep valley often starts with a small stone tied to a thin line.

59 Environmental Effects

  Memorization is most effective when the situation at the time of recall is exactly the same as the situation at the time of learning. This phenomenon is often called the environment effect. If you have to take an exam in a particular classroom, it is more advantageous to study the material in that classroom than in a library or dormitory. This concept is closely tied to stimulus generalization. Environment, of course, refers to the surrounding context in which one studies and recalls, such as the size of the house, the color of the walls, the amount of noise, and so on. Recently, this concept has been expanded to include the physiological state of the learner as he or she learns and recalls. In a sense, a person’s body is also part of his environment. Therefore, in order to obtain optimal memory and produce positive environmental effects, a person’s physical condition should also be as similar as possible when learning and recalling.

60 Hobson’s Choice Effect
In 1631, Hobson, a merchant in Cambridge, England, sold horses by putting them out for customers to select, but with the added condition that they were only allowed to select the one closest to the door. Obviously, adding this condition was practically the same as not allowing selection. This so-called “choice” without choice, later ridiculed as “Hobson’s choice effect”.

Social psychologists have pointed out that whoever falls into the predicament of “Hobson’s Choice Effect” will not be able to carry out creative learning, life and work. The reason is very simple: good and bad, superior and inferior, are in contrast to the choice, only to formulate a certain number and quality of programs for comparison and selection, judgment is possible to do reasonable. If a judgment only need to say “yes” or “no” words, this can be considered a judgment? Only by studying the many options available for comparison and judging on the basis of an understanding of them can it be considered a judgment. Therefore, “choosing” without options is tantamount to not being able to judge, and is tantamount to stifling creativity.

A kind of experimenter effect in psychology. 20 – 30 years of the 20th century, American researchers in Chicago Western Electric Company Hawthorne plant working conditions, social factors and production efficiency in the relationship between the experiment found the experimenter effect, called the Hawthorne effect.   The first stage of the experiment was started from November 1924 working conditions and the relationship between production efficiency, set up as an experimental group and control group. As a result, the production of the experimental group rose regardless of increasing or controlling the illumination, and the production of the control group with constant illumination also increased. In addition, there is a test of wage compensation, rest time, length of daily work and the number of days of work per week and other factors, but also can not see these working conditions on the production efficiency of any direct effect. The second phase of the experiment was led by Mayo, a professor at Harvard University in the United States, focusing on the relationship between social factors and productivity, and it was found that the increase in productivity was mainly due to the great changes in the mental aspect of the subjects. Workers participating in the experiment were placed in specialized laboratories and led by researchers, their social situation changed and received attention from all sides, which led to the formation of a feeling of participation in the experiment and feeling that they were an important part of the company, which led to the workers being motivated from the aspect of the social perspective, promoting the rise of production.  This effect tells us that when a classmate or oneself is noticed or watched by the public, the efficiency of learning and interaction is greatly increased. Therefore, we should learn to be friendly with others in our daily life and understand what kind of behaviors are accepted and appreciated by our classmates and teachers. Only when we continue to increase our good behaviors in our life and study can we be noticed and appreciated by more people, and we can also be able to make progress in our study and be confident!

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