51 The Overreasoning Effect
  The “over-reasoning effect” can easily occur in couples who are overly concerned about the distribution of the roles of “1” and “0”. Often, one partner complains that his or her bf does not know how to give, but only asks for what he or she wants, while the other partner does not think that this is his or her responsibility as a “husband”. The reason for this is that the relationship between the two has been stuck in a single direction for a long time. At the beginning, as a “husband” of the party to establish their “1” role, in order to show their own men’s broad shoulders to take care of their loved ones, and constantly from all levels of payment, the other party is desperately trying to reflect their own “Birdie” sense. Over time, the “excessive reason effect” will have a role, the two unconsciously will couple relationship positioning to stay in the shallow surface of the “give and get” the interest level of the reason, and ignored the deep level of emotional communication, life adaptation and personality integration and so on. The last is the direct desire of the one who wants. In the end, the immediate desires of the one who asks for more and more inflated, while the one who gives often become exhausted in the end. To break up, one will feel that the other party is selfish, only to get benefits and together with their own, the other will blame the other party simply do not love their own or another other happy to no longer give to their own.   As you can see, the “over-reasoning effect” is often seen more often in the lack of heart. It’s like the boy who abandoned his old boyfriend for a Japanese man. If he hadn’t been attracted by superficial appearance, looks, etc., he wouldn’t have been able to make such an important choice, without considering the more important consequences of actually traveling to Japan. Therefore, although pure devotion can keep the superficial heat and closeness for a while, it also means the prelude to falling apart. When this kind of giving cannot be sustained due to the increasing desire of the other person, it is a sign of tragedy, because the superficial reason that allowed the other person to believe that the relationship could be sustained no longer exists.

In our daily lives, we often have the experience that when our friends and family help us, we are not surprised because “he is my relative” or “he is my friend”, and it is only natural that they will help us; however, when a stranger reaches out to us, we think, “this person is not a good person”. But if a stranger lends us a helping hand, we think, “This person is helpful.

Similarly, in family life, wives and husbands often ignore what the other does for them because “it is their duty” or “it is their obligation”, not because of “love” or “care”; but if a stranger reaches out to us, we think “this person is helpful”. “Care”; once an outsider does something similar for them, they will consider it as “care” and a “sign of love”.

Why is there such a big difference? This is due to what is known in social psychology as the “over-reasoning effect”. Everyone is trying to make their own behavior and the behavior of others seem reasonable, and therefore always look for reasons for the behavior, once found enough reasons, people rarely continue to look for, and, in the search for reasons, always look for those obvious external reasons, therefore, if the external reasons are enough to explain the behavior, people generally no longer go to look for internal reasons.

There is such an interesting story: an old man in a small countryside to recuperate, but there are some very naughty children living nearby, they chase each other every day, the noisy noise so that the old man can not rest properly, in the repeated prohibition, the old man came up with a solution.

He called the children together and told them that the louder they shouted, the more they would be rewarded, and he gave them different rewards each time according to how noisy they were. By the time the children had become accustomed to getting rewards, the old man began to gradually reduce the rewards he gave, and finally he did not give a penny to the children, no matter how noisy they were.

As a result, the children felt that they were being treated more and more unfairly, and thought, “Who’s going to yell at you if you don’t give them any money?” They no longer made loud noises near the house where the old man lived.

Behavior that is explained only by external reasons will tend to end once the external reasons no longer exist, so if we want a certain behavior to be maintained, we should not give it enough external reasons.

If a company owner wants his staff to work hard, he should not give the staff too many material rewards, but let the staff think that he himself is hardworking and progressive, and that he likes this job and this company; parents who want their children to study hard should not reward their children’s good grades with too much money and prizes, but let the children think that they like studying and that studying is fun!

52 The Hutchison Effect

Hutchison was a Canadian amateur physics enthusiast who loved to drum up strange scientific experiments, and his house was full of experimental supplies. He probably resembles many of the protagonists of whimsical science fiction movies; the only difference is that he, the character, is not fictional, and neither are his experiments.
One day in 1979, Hutchison was working on Tesla longitudinal waves (Nikola Tesla, the father of radio). Because of the limited space available for the experiment, the equipment that was used to emit electromagnetic fields and waves, such as Tesla coils, high-frequency generators, and so on, could barely fit into a small room. Hutchison turned on all the machines and then quietly waited for the results of his experiment.
This is how the story begins: Hutchison suddenly felt something land on his shoulder, he squinted and saw that it was a piece of metal, he didn’t pay much attention to it and threw the piece back, it flew back and hit him! At this point, Hutchison then observed the other movements in the room – he could not believe his eyes: placed on the ground, a large iron bar actually flew up, suspended in the air for a second, and then “bang”, fell to the ground again!
What happened?
In order to find out the truth, Hutchison repeated his experiment again and again, and again there are shocking phenomena. For example: objects continue to float, such as wood, plastic, Styrofoam, copper, zinc, they will hover in the air, back and forth, forming a vortex and rising, and even some objects will be thrown out of their own accord at an alarming speed, hitting people.
But such magical effects did not always happen, sometimes it was necessary to wait for days to see one, and in most of the time, there was no abnormal situation. Later, by constantly changing the position of the instrument, such as spectral analyzers, magnetometers, Geiger counter (Geiger counter is actually a radiation detector, can be used to measure the naked eye can not see the electrically charged particles) and other instruments, Hutchison finally figured out the magical effect of the “temperament”, you can quickly create a magical effect.
Further experiments also found that: by the concrete and stone stacked up around the house will suddenly start a fire; mirrors break themselves, the fragments can fly 100 meters away! Metals curled, cracked, and even crumbled into breadcrumb-like powder; different metals could be fused together at room temperature, and some could be transformed into jelly or mud, which would harden again when the field created by the apparatus was withdrawn; beams of light appeared in the air, followed by countless halos of light, and at the same time the water in the containers began to swirl… …
It was truly unheard of and unthinkable! Countless people clamored to see Hutchison’s experiments. Hutchison also showed countless samples from his experiments – metal that had been “split”, thick steel bars that had been bent, coins that had emerged from blocks of aluminum. ……
53 Tidal wave effect

Seawater rises due to the gravitational pull of a celestial body; if the gravitational pull is high, there is a high tide; if the gravitational pull is low, there is a low tide; if the gravitational pull is too weak, there is no tide. This is the tide effect. The relationship between talents and the social era is also like this. Society needs talent, the times call for talent, talent will be born. According to this effect, as a country, to increase the publicity of talent, the formation of respect for knowledge, respect for talent, a good atmosphere. For a unit, it is important to regulate the treatment of talent to achieve a reasonable allocation of talent, so as to increase the unit’s attractiveness to talent. Now many well-known enterprises have put forward such human resource management concept: to treatment to attract people, to feelings of cohesion, to career incentives.

54 Hercules effect

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, “the way of their own people to cure their own people”, “you’re not happy with me, I also make you not happy”. This is known as the “Hercules Effect”. This refers to one-to-one interpersonal interactions. It is a socio-psychological effect that exists between people or groups of people, causing hatred to grow deeper and deeper. Greek mythological story there is a hero Hercules, called Hercules, one day, he walked on the bumpy road, saw a foot like a bulging bag-like things, very ugly, teach Grylls stepped on that thing a foot. Who knows that the thing is not only not by Hercules a foot step broken, but instead of swelling up, and exponentially exponentially increased, which angered the hero Hercules. He handily picked up – a bowl thick stick to smash the strange thing, good guy, the thing even swelled to the road is blocked. Hercules couldn’t do anything about it, and was puzzled when a holy man came up to Hercules and said to him, “My friend. Don’t move it, forget about it, and leave it alone. It is called the bag of hate. If you do not provoke it, it will be as small as it was at the beginning; if you violate it, it will swell up and be hostile to you to the end.” Hatred, just like the bag that Hercules encountered, starts out small, and if you ignore it and the conflict is resolved, it will naturally disappear; if you get on its bad side and add hate to it, it will double its vengeance.

55 Hurlock effect

Psychologist Hurlock (e.b. hunlock) has done an experiment, he divided the subjects into four equal groups, in four different triggers to complete the task. The first group for the praise group, every time after the work to be praised and encouraged; the second group for the trained group, every time after the work to be severely reprimanded.

The second group was the disciplined group, which was severely reprimanded after each task; the third group was the neglected group, which was not evaluated and was only allowed to listen to the other two groups being praised and criticized; and the fourth group was the control group, which was isolated from the first three groups and was not evaluated in any way. The results were that the first three groups were better than the control group, the praised group and the control group were better than the control group.

The results of the work performance is the first three groups are better than the control group, praised group and reprimanded group is significantly better than the neglect group, while the praise group’s performance is rising. This experiment shows that timely evaluation of work results can strengthen work motivation and promote work. The effect of appropriate praise is obviously

better than criticism, and the effect of criticism is better than no evaluation at all.

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