41 Domino effect
In a system where there are internal connections, a very small initial energy can lead to a chain reaction.

In ancient China, there was a border town of Chu called Peiliang. The girls there and the girls from the border town of Wu were picking mulberry leaves on the border, and while they were playing a game, the girl from Wu accidentally stepped on the girl from Peiliang and hurt her. The man from Peilang took the injured girl and blamed the man from Wu. The Wu man spoke disrespectfully and the Peilang man was so annoyed that he killed the Wu man and left. The Wu man went to Beiliang to take revenge and killed the Beiliang man’s whole family.

The governor of Beiliang was furious and said, “How dare the Wu attack my city?”

So he sent an army to attack the Wu people, and killed all the local Wu people, young and old.

When the king of Wu, Yimai, heard about this, he was so angry that he sent his troops to invade the border towns of Chu, and only left after he had captured Yimai. As a result, there was a large-scale conflict between Wu and Chu. Duke Guang of Wu again led his army to fight with the Chu people in Jifu, defeated the Chu army, captured the commander-in-chief of the Chu army, Pan Zichen, Xiao Daizi, and Xia Rie of the state of Chen, and then proceeded to attack Yingdu, captured the wife of the king of Chu Ping and returned to his country.

From the game of stepping on the foot, until the outbreak of large-scale war between the two countries, until the Wu army attacked Ying, a series of evolutionary process, it seems that there is an invisible force to the event step by step irrevocably pushed into an unmanageable situation. This phenomenon, we call the domino effect.

The domino effect has to start from the Song Dynasty in China.

In the second year of Emperor Xuanzong of the Song Dynasty (1120 A.D.), a game called “dominoes” appeared in the folklore. The game was introduced to the palace by Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, and then quickly spread throughout the country. At that time, the dominoes were mostly made of teeth and bones, so the dominoes were also called “tooth cards”, and the folk called “pai gow”.

On August 16, 1849, an Italian missionary named Domino brought these dominoes back to Milan. As the most precious gift, he gave the dominoes to his youngest daughter. Domino made a large number of wooden dominoes and invented various ways to play them in order to get more people to play with them. Soon, wooden dominoes spread rapidly in Italy and all over Europe, and the game of dominoes became an elegant sport for Europeans.

Later, in order to thank Domino for bringing them such a good sport, people named this domino game “Domino”. By the 19th century, dominoes had become a worldwide sport. Among the non-Olympic sports, it is the sport with the highest popularity, the largest number of participants and the widest geographical expansion.

Since then, “dominoes” has become a popular term. In an interconnected system, a small amount of initial energy can produce a chain reaction, which is known as the “domino effect” or “domino effect”.

A hair fall on the head, it is normal; and then fall a, do not worry; also fell a, still do not need to worry about …… in the long run, a hair fall down, and finally baldness appeared. Philosophically, this phenomenon is called the “baldness argument”.

Put a straw on a sturdy horse, the horse did not react; then add a straw, the horse is still not the slightest feeling; and add a …… has been to add straw to the horse, when the last light straw put on the horse, the stallion was overwhelmed and collapsed on the ground. This in social studies, named “straw principle”.

The loss of the first hair and the appearance of the first straw are just insignificant changes. When such a trend appears, it remains at the level of a quantitative change, which is difficult to attract people’s attention. Only when it reaches a certain level, will attract the attention of the outside world, but once the “quantitative change” is a geometric progression, the catastrophic shot will inevitably appear!

The domino effect tells us that the smallest force can cause only imperceptible gradual changes, but what it triggers can be a sea change. This is somewhat similar to the butterfly effect, but focuses more on the process of development and change than the butterfly effect.

The cutting down of the first tree eventually leads to the disappearance of the forest; one day of desolation may be the beginning of a lifetime of desolation; the emergence of the first war of power may be the force that turns the entire world civilization into ashes. These prophecies may be somewhat alarmist, but in the future we may have to recognize their accuracy, and perhaps the only thing we have difficulty in foreseeing is how long it will take to pass from the first domino to the last.

It takes a century or two long years for some predictable events to finally appear, but its changes have already begun without our noticing them.

42 The category effect

  Some foreign psychologists have discovered the phenomenon of selective search in their experimental studies of the process of extracting information from memory. They found that if the memory word list consists of words belonging to different categories, the series search is characterized by selectivity. That is, the search is limited to only one of the categories related to the probe word, a phenomenon known as the category effect. It suggests that there may be factors in the extraction process such as grouping and categorization that have a great influence on the search process.

163 The Owners’ Effect

There is an effect called the own person effect, that is to say, in order to make the other party to accept your point of view, attitude, you do not hesitate to maintain the relationship with the other party to the same body view, that is to say, to consider the other party and themselves as one. There is a famous saying in management psychology: “If you want people to believe that you are right and act in accordance with your opinion, then you first need people to like you, otherwise, your attempt will fail.” Therefore, classroom teachers should really treat students as their own people and be their close friends.

44 Non-Zero-Sum Effect

The “zero-sum effect” means that when two parties of equal strength make roughly equal concessions during a negotiation in order to achieve a result, that is, when the algebraic sum of each party’s gains and losses is roughly zero, the negotiation will be successful. However, the course of human social development is moving more and more towards “non-zero-sum”, which is what we now call win-win.  The inspiration of “non-zero-sum effect” to school management is that teachers should be inculcated with the significance of “cooperative behavior”, especially in the process of the current curriculum reform, “teacher-student cooperation” and “teacher-teacher cooperation” should be vigorously advocated. Teacher-student cooperation” and “teacher-teacher cooperation” should be strongly advocated, especially in the process of the current curriculum reform, in order to achieve “win-win” results.

45 The Bucket Effect
The capacity of a wooden bucket is determined by the shortest piece of wood, so in a team, group, the inferior is very harmful. This is often referred to as the “Bucket Effect”.

46 Proselytizing effect

American social psychologist Harold Siegel has an excellent study entitled “The Psychological Effect of Proselytizing”. The study shows that when an issue is very important to someone, if he can make an “opponent” change his opinion on the issue and agree with his own, he would rather have that “opponent” than an agreeable person. The “proselytizing effect” makes us understand: certain “Mr. Nice Guy” without the concept of right and wrong is despised because they give a feeling of incapacity; and many people who dare to speak out right and wrong and are brave enough to carry out criticism can ultimately be loved by people because they give a sense of talent. A kind of talented infectious force.

47 Symbiotic Effect

The phenomenon of mutual influence and mutual promotion in the plant world is called: the symbiotic effect In nature, a plant grows alone, often weak, lifeless, even withered and decayed, but when many plants grow together, but can be lush, upright and lush, people call this mutual influence and mutual promotion in the plant phenomenon called “symbiotic effect”. “. Symbiosis is the phenomenon in which two people utilize each other (although the term is pejorative, this is actually the case) and at the same time benefit the development of both parties, which should not be limited to the natural world, but also to human society.

48 The Gulledge Effect

This is an American joke, said a former U.S. President and Mrs. Konicki went to a farm to visit the chicken house, Mrs. saw the rooster in the hen on the eggs, suddenly thought to ask the accompanying farmer said: can you tell me how many times a day the rooster in the hen to do the responsibility of “husband”? Answer: He always does his duty more than ten times a day. Mrs. said: Please tell the President the conclusion. The farmer went over to the president and as soon as he finished, the president asked: Does he do his duty on the same hen every time? A: Every time to change partners. The president said: please convey the conclusion to the madam.
q+q/f ]0i1u;| This story fully illustrates the difference in thinking between men and women, there is nothing wrong with men and women, each has their own angle of thinking. Later it became a famous psychological effect of men seeing the new and hating the old (or light old). However, here is the natural attributes of men, to say that the social nature of men should still have a sense of responsibility and moral and legal conscience, especially in the ancient Liege complex, they still need to learn to repress and self-discipline, otherwise he and the animals have a difference? People so skinned because people have rationality, if not, where is the order of society ah?

49 Relational field effect

In the efficiency of the activity of a group of characters, it is possible to create both force-enhancing and force-reducing effects. “In this case, “1+1+l” is more than 3. This is called a “group force multiplier” in terms of the efficiency of the group members’ activities. In the case of “three monks have no water to drink”, “1+1+1” is equal to zero. This is called “group force reduction” in terms of the efficiency of group members’ activities. This kind of cohesion or friction generated by different role-players in the group, in social psychology, collectively known as the “relationship field effect.

50 Birdcage Effect

The most difficult thing to get rid of is the unnecessary worries. 1907, the outstanding modern psychologist James retired from Harvard University. At the same time, his good friend Carlson, a physicist, retired. One day, the two made a bet. James said: old buddy, I’ll make sure you get a bird soon.

Carlson laughed and shook his head: I don’t believe it! Because I’ve never wanted to raise a bird. A few days later, on Carlson’s birthday, James presented him with a gift – an exquisite birdcage. Carlson laughed it off: I just thought of it as a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. Since then, as long as the guests visit, see the empty birdcage next to the desk, they will almost invariably ask: Professor, when did you raise the bird died? Carlson had to explain to the guests again and again: I never had a bird.

However, this answer was always met with confused and even distrustful glances from the guests.

Finally, out of desperation, Professor Carlson had to buy a bird, James’s “birdcage effect” worked.

Buddhist scriptures: the most difficult to get rid of is unnecessary worries. Many people are not precisely in their own hearts first hang a cage or open a bag, and then involuntarily filled with some of the things?

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