The “Director” of Role Behavior
We know that each of us is not a purely biological individual, but a living, breathing person in society. In the social stage, everyone plays a certain role. Then, each of us show the role of behavior, and by what “director”?
Let’s go back to the primitive society. According to research, there was a traditional custom and prohibition, which history calls “Tabu”. The “Tabu” was a norm of life in the earliest days of human society. Although the concepts of religion, morality, and law did not exist at that time, people used a mixture of these three concepts in their lives. Historians commonly refer to “Dabu” as “the public norm before the birth of law”. Why did the “Abo” have such an effect? Social psychologists analyze, this is due to the primitive society’s scientific and cultural level is very low, so people for the so-called gods and monsters or dirty things have a taboo mentality, that if you violate the taboos, will have to suffer disaster, so they must be far away from them, fear and respect them, and formed by this belief in the custom, that is, “Answer the cloth”. At the same time, the level of cultural development at that time also made people initially realize that as an individual participating in social activities, their behavior must be subject to certain laws, certain behavioral norms. This is the origin of the “Tabu effect”. The level of scientific and cultural development of modern society is certainly not comparable to that of primitive societies. The power on which modern society is based, the “director” of modern people’s role and behavior, is no longer a “Tabu”. However, from the sense of social psychology, the “Abo effect” revealed by the role of behavior by the role of norms “director” of this connotation, but will not be obsolete.
One of the main contributions of social psychology to the study of human behavior (external and internal) lies in the clarification of how a society can make its members behave in accordance with the existing norms of behavior and morality that are appropriate to the requirements and needs of a certain class of people, or how to advocate for its members to comply with the cultural norms of their own people. Society is a system of norms. Any society has a set of agreed-upon norms of behavior that all its members must follow. From this point of view, as long as we do not understand the “Answer Boo” in the “Answer Boo Effect” only as the “Answer Boo” in primitive societies, but rather as the “director” of the role behavior, we can see that the “director” of the role behavior is the “director” of the role behavior, the “director” of the role behavior. If we understand the “director” as a role norm, then we can say that the “Abo effect” exists objectively in any society.
In modern society, there is a narrow and a broad definition of the “Tabu effect”. The narrow sense refers to those who have gone through certain procedures to make it visible provisions, such as the Constitution, various laws and policies, party discipline, various moral regulations, various conventions and codes and so on. The broader sense refers to those unwritten things, they exist in people’s minds, through the form of public opinion manifested, which is the customs and habits, moral concepts. Although these things are not written into the relevant provisions, but permeated in the psychology and behavior of each role-players. The sum of the above explicitly and not explicitly stipulated code of conduct is the social requirements for each member of the community, is the role of all the role fish players to show the role of the behavior of the “general director”. It can be seen that these conventions or customary norms of behavior, in a nutshell, the most concentrated in the concept of the legal system and the concept of morality in these two aspects. However, they involve all areas of life, and their contents and forms are quite extensive and varied. If there is a need to make a specific classification, then it can be roughly divided into.
(1) formal norms, that is, by the formal documents expressly stipulated norms, such as regulations and codes and so on.
(2) Informal norms, that is, the spontaneous formation of norms by the masses, such as the way to greet friends when they meet, clothing style, etc., if the violation of which will be in a certain range of the group by the cold eyes of the crowd, resulting in psychological pressure.
(3) belonging to the norms, refers to the individual members of the group’s norms, such as you become a member of an association, you must comply with the association’s constitution and other norms.
(4) Reference norms, i.e. individuals tend to take the exemplary figures in their minds as their reference code of behavior.
(5) regional norms, refers to a region of the group’s specific norms, such as minority customs and habits and language norms, etc., we often say “follow the customs of the countryside,” is the performance of such norms.
In all these cases, it shows that the norm is a standardized concept, the role of norms is the role-players must comply with the established ideas, evaluation and behavioral standards. With this standard, the role of the powder actors understand what should be done, what should not be done, in what circumstances should show such behavior, in what circumstances should not show such behavior. Under our socialist system, the ideals, morals, and discipline of the proletarian revolution determine the socialist nature of our spiritual civilization. All good social role-players should consciously direct their role-playing behavior in accordance with this norm, and be the “four new men” demanded by the Party.
Role norms, as a connotation of the “Tabu effect”, is a standardized concept, which, once formed, naturally has the role of cognitive standardization, behavioral orientation, and the role of maintaining social wholeness. The so-called “Tabu effect” is a reflection of these effects. Social psychology tells us that the role of role norms not only for role-players stipulate a certain code of conduct, but also in the operation of the social mechanism will form the social psychological aspects of the norms: one is the power of incentives to encourage people to comply with the role norms, such as social praise, interpersonal relations, recognition of certain requirements of personality, expanding the weight of personal opinion in the group opinion, etc., and the second is the power of stopping The second is the power to stop behaviors that violate role norms, such as social condemnation, interpersonal indifference, and so on. Role norms of the original role, coupled with the social psychological effect produced in the operation of society, so, which role members want to go without binding the “sky is the limit”, it is just like Mr. Lu Xun satirized “pulling their own hair and want to leave the earth,” the same as the Ridiculous.
Directing individual role behavior with role norms is one of the characteristics of human behavior, and is one of the important social factors. Primitive societies have shown the “Answer Cloth Effect”, isn’t the reason for this meaningful and clear? We know that the behavior of animals is determined by innate genetics, while the role norms created by human beings in the common life are the tools for human beings to engage in practical activities, adapt to the environment and transform the environment. Interaction between individuals is never simply a matter of mutual stimulation and reaction, but must be mediated by a certain role norm and directed by a certain role norm. Role norms are recognized and held in common, not created by individuals alone. Role behavior in the role norms component, so that the performance of all role behavior, as if a book open to others, others in the process of reading this book, can understand the person’s role motives, role xxxxxx mood and even personality traits, and make the appropriate response. In a word, role behavior is always a socially significant behavior performed according to role norms. Because of this, despite the fact that people in society are very different and play different roles, role norms, because of their social nature, indicate the ways in which people need to satisfy and propose corresponding behavioral goals? It is by making individuals aware of what they should and should not do that the social mechanism can function properly. Otherwise, human beings would not become a pot of scattered sand, and society would still be a society? Therefore, role norms are the “****” by which to know oneself and others, the “glue” to maintain social life, and the “psychic jewel” that is indispensable to human existence and development. I think this is exactly what the “Battle of the Bulge” is all about. In my opinion, this is the most profound meaning of the “Answer Book Effect”.
We follow the role norms to direct their own role behavior, which is not only in line with the social requirements of the means, but also to meet their own needs of the process. Human needs are desires or demands for people and things. Human needs are different from the instinctive, conditioned needs of animals in that they are not just simple possession, ownership, or one-sided enjoyment, but rather, they bring one’s life activities under conscious control. In the motivational structure of human needs, there is the need for self-esteem and respect from others, and the need to like to receive social approval and praise from others. But this need is measured by what society can provide, and presupposes the equal fulfillment of the needs of society and others. Each individual is subject to society, i.e., individuals interacting with each other, under certain conditions. Therefore, it is up to one to satisfy one’s needs in the way that society allows. It is only through constant acceptance of the value system inculcated by a particular society, a particular historical context and a particular national situation, and adherence to the norms of behavior and morality, that one can elicit the emotional response and praise that will lead to the satisfaction of one’s needs. It has been proven time and again that the more consciously one directs his or her role behavior in accordance with social norms, the more he or she will be praised by society. This satisfies the needs of society, and at the same time it satisfies the needs of the individual. If an individual does not recognize this objective law, lacks the consciousness of directing role behavior according to social norms, and does whatever he wants in order to satisfy his selfish desires that deviate from the social norms, he will inevitably and rightfully be punished by the society.
The principle of the “rag effect” warns us to use role norms to “direct” role behavior, which is not only viewed in the overall requirements of society for each member, must be in the legal concept and moral concept of the normative framework of activities, but also reflected in the individual to play A specific role must also comply with the special role norms. This is like performing on the stage, each actor must first implement the director’s overall requirements, such as the stage style should be correct, the idea of concentration, listen to the arrangements, etc.; In addition, you play a Danjiao or Wusheng or other specific role, but also according to the role of the special requirements of the role of the song, go to do. The close combination of these two aspects is the unity of the role behavior. The same is true of the social roles we play on the big stage of society. On the one hand, we have to comply with the common requirements of social norms for all social role-players, and on the other hand, we have to internalize the particular norms for a particular kind of role-playing. For example, if you are already playing the role of a young father at home, you should understand some of the special requirements of the role of a parent in society, and demonstrate good role behavior in educating your children for society. If you are an elementary school teacher, then you should fulfill the role of a teacher in all aspects. So on and so forth, you can and should according to your role position, to think, to act, in order to make their own role behavior both in line with the role norms of the general requirements and the implementation of the special requirements. The combination of universality and specificity, commonality and individuality, the social stage role-players are not exactly so both camp neat, and colorful?!
You want to show good role behavior, you want to improve the level of role-playing, please do not forget that the “director” is standing beside you. The key is to recognize his face, understand his intentions, and implement his requirements. –He” is synonymous with characterization: the “Answer Cloth Effect”.

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