21 The Zeigernike Effect Zeigernike ordered subjects to do 20 specified jobs, half of which were allowed to be completed and half of which were stopped in midstream and not completed. The total number of subjects was 32. The results of the experiment revealed that recall of completed work was superior to recall of completed work. If rc represents the number of pieces to be obtained by recalling the completed work, and ru represents the number of pieces obtained by completing the work, p is the ratio of the number of pieces to be recalled between the two, i.e., ru/rc, which is used to indicate quantitatively which kind of work is easy to recall. If p is equal to 1, then the amount of recall of the two kinds of work is the same; if p is greater than 1, then show the completion of the work is easy to recall; if p is less than 1, then the completed work is easy to recall. The results of the experiment ranged from 0.8 to 3.5 , with an average of 1.9, i.e., the amount of recollection of RU was almost equal to twice the amount of RC.
Why is the amount of unfinished recall superior to that of finished work? It may be thought that this is due to the emotional shock caused by unfinished work. However, if the work was treated in three ways: one in which it was allowed to be completed, and one in which it was prevented from being completed. The results show that the amount of recall of the work that was stopped and then allowed to be completed was better than that of the above two, which is not to say that the emotions generated by the stopping can only be explained by the release of the psychological tension system. The amount of recall was higher for the completed work because the mental tension system had not been relieved. Unfinished work that is stopped in midstream is not only easily recalled, but is also recalled after other work has been done.

22 The Long Tail Effect
The root of the Long Tail Effect is to emphasize “personalization,” “customer power,” and “small margins, big market,” that is, to make very little money, but a lot of money for a lot of people. To segment the market to a very small time, and then you will find that the cumulative effect of these small markets will bring the obvious long-tail effect. Take books as an example: barnes & noble has an average of 130,000 titles on its shelves. More than half of amazon’s sales come from books that are outside the 130,000 rankings. If amazon’s statistics are anything to go by, this means that books that aren’t sold in the average bookstore form a larger market than those that are on bookstore shelves. In other words, if we could get away from the constraints of scarce resources, the potential market for books would be at least twice as big as it currently is. Venture capitalist Kevin Laws, who has worked as a consultant in the music industry, sums up the phenomenon this way: “The greatest wealth comes from the smallest sale.
23 The Overdrive Effect

Mark Twain, the famous American humorist, was once listening to a pastor’s speech in a church. Initially, he found the pastor’s speech very good and moving, and was ready to make a donation. After 10 minutes, the pastor hadn’t finished his speech, so he got a little impatient and decided to donate only some change. After another 10 minutes, the pastor hadn’t finished, so he decided not to donate even a penny. By the time the pastor finally finished his long speech and started collecting donations, Mark Twain, out of anger, not only failed to donate, but stole $2 from the plate. This psychological phenomenon of too much stimulation, too strong and too long, which causes psychological impatience or resistance, is called the “overload effect”. The overrun effect occurs frequently in homeschooling. For example: when the child is not attentive and did not do well in the exam, parents will once, twice, three times, or even four times, five times to repeat the same criticism of a thing, so that the child from the guilt of uneasiness to impatience and finally resentment hate. Being “forced”, there will be “I want this” resistance psychology and behavior. Because once a child has been criticized, it always takes a while to regain his mental balance, and when he is criticized repeatedly, he will mutter in his mind, “Why do you always do this to me?” The child’s mood of being criticized will not be able to return to calm, and the resistance will be high. It can be seen that parents can not exceed the limits of criticism of children, should be children “make a mistake, only once criticized”. If you have to criticize again, you should not simply repeat yourself, but change your perspective and say it in a different way. In this way, the child will not feel the same error is “caught”, boredom, rebelliousness will also be reduced.

24 house demolition effect

Mr. Lu Xun wrote in 1927 in the article “Silent China” this paragraph: “Chinese people’s temperament is always like to reconcile, compromise, such as you say, this house is too dark, said here to open a skylight, we must not be allowed, but if you advocate the demolition of the roof, they will come to reconcile, and are willing to open the skylight.” This practice of making a large demand followed by a smaller and lesser demand is known in psychology as the “tearing down the roof effect”. Although this effect is common in xxxxx life, there are many students who have learned this. For example, if a student makes a mistake and runs away from home, the classroom teacher is very anxious, but after a few days the student comes back safely, the classroom teacher stops pursuing the student’s mistake too much. In fact, running away from home is equivalent to “tearing down the house”, and making a mistake is equivalent to “opening the window”, which is the effect of tearing down the house. Therefore, classroom teachers in the process of educating students, educational methods must be appropriate, can be accepted by students, at the same time, the unreasonable requirements of students or bad behavior must not be accommodated, pay special attention to these aspects of the students can not let the classroom teacher to develop the habit of bargaining. 25 The Override Effect The famous author Mark Twain was once in church listening to the pastor speak. Initially, he found the pastor’s speech so good and moving that he was ready to make a donation and pulled out all the money he had. After ten minutes, the pastor hadn’t finished his speech, so he got a little impatient and decided to donate only some change. After another ten minutes, the pastor hadn’t finished his sermon, so he decided not to donate a penny. When the pastor finally finished his long speech and began to collect donations, Mark Twain, out of anger, not only did not donate money, but on the contrary. He also stole two dollars from the plate. This story tells us that too much stimulus, too strong or too long, will cause extreme impatience or reverse psychological phenomena, psychology called “over the limit effect”. This effect reveals us that when criticizing or praising students, we should master a “degree”.” Less than” certainly can not achieve the established goals, but “excessive” and will produce a super-limit effect, not only can not play the desired effect, and will even appear some counterproductive.

26 Success or failure effect

It refers to the success and failure effects of efforts, which were discovered by Gevirtz in his research. In his study, the study material was several sets of problems of varying difficulty, which were solved by the students freely and selectively. He found that the more able students, after solving one problem in a category, were reluctant to solve another similar problem, and were more interested in picking more complex and difficult problems in order to explore new solutions. This is to show that students’ interest does not only come from the success of easy work, but also through their own efforts to overcome difficulties in order to achieve the success of the situation, in order to feel the inner pleasure and desire to fulfill. This is the effect of success after effort. On the other hand, less capable students, if they fail to succeed even after great efforts, often feel disappointed and discouraged after accumulating too many failures, and even give up learning. This is the failure effect after effort. Teachers should therefore help the more able students to raise their goals gradually and the less able students to lower their goals appropriately to suit their abilities and experience.

27 Overlap effect:

In a one-before-one-after-another memory activity, what is recognized is similar, which is unfavorable for retention. This is a result of the fact that when something with the same content is repeated, forgetting of things of the same nature occurs as a result of mutual inhibition and interference with each other. Köhler named this phenomenon “overlap effect”. It can be seen that when we learn Chinese characters, foreign words and other materials, we must be careful not to group similar things together, which will easily produce the overlap effect. If we want to study them together, at least some of the materials are familiar, which may produce an assimilation effect, assimilating the rusty materials into the memorized ones!

28 The Hedgehog Rule
“The law of the hedgehog can be illustrated by an interesting phenomenon: two sleepy hedgehogs embraced together because of the cold, but how can not sleep comfortably, because each body are growing thorns, close to each other, but can not sleep peacefully. After a few tussles, the two hedgehogs pull apart, and despite the cold wind outside, they sleep sweetly.
  ”Hedgehog” law is the “psychological distance effect” in human interaction. Management psychology experts believe that: leaders to do a good job should maintain a close relationship with their subordinates, but this is a “close” relationship. Special attention should be paid to the leader and subordinates to get along with the intimate, but also easy to lead to each other brother and brother, eating and drinking, and in the work of the loss of principle.

29 The Herd Effect

There is an idiom called “three people make a tiger”, which means that when three people falsely report that there is a tiger in the city, those who listen to them believe it. This psychological tendency of people in social groups to easily accept without analysis the views or behaviors shared by the majority is known as the herd effect. The inspiration of this effect is that class teachers should be good at playing the positive role of the herd effect, first of all, they should consciously publicize it through the class meeting, the blackboard newspaper and other public opinion positions with great fanfare; secondly, they should grasp the construction of the basic team of class cadres and activists to form a strong bastion, and they should discover the undesirable tendency of the class in a timely manner, and prescribe the right medicine to curb it in the bud, so as to prevent the negative role of the herd effect. . The herd effect refers to the group activities, when the individual and the majority of people’s opinions and behaviors are inconsistent, the individual to give up their own opinions and behaviors, showing the phenomenon of the majority of people in the group with the same opinions and behavioral style. Herding is also known as “going along with the crowd” in our everyday language. Promote a person in the cooperation of the herd behavior of a variety of factors, it is generally believed that the main factors: the existence of more advantageous students in the group; personality traits such as low intelligence, timidity, worry, will not be strong, poor self-confidence, too much emphasis on other people and rely on others; the size of the group size and other factors. It goes without saying that subordination is conducive to the formation of a unified group opinion, and a reasonable group environment can promote or subconsciously enable lagging group members to form correct thoughts and behaviors. At the same time, it should be pointed out that, in an unreasonable group environment, because the herd effect manifests itself as a tendency to learn the same conclusions, but not necessarily the correct conclusions; some students are prone to form a consensus with the views and thinking methods of confident or excellent group members, while ignoring their own views and thinking methods, whether they are correct or not, and the result of the group cooperation may be to form the wrong conclusions of the group with a false majority. It can be seen that the herd effect is easy to suppress the formation of correct ideas, stifling the originality of group members; cooperative learning sometimes has a tendency to weaken the independent thinking, individuals in the group is easy to lose control of the self, lose the sense of individuality, so that people “people are the same as in the cloud”. We need to have a positive sense of the herd effect, we oppose the negative, blind herd effect. First of all, the reasonable formation of cooperative learning groups; secondly, we must adhere to the democratic centralism, to relieve the pressure of the group, to establish the rules to encourage all members of the free play of their own different opinions, and once again, the teacher must pay attention to cultivate the habit of students’ independent thinking, to create a situation for students to think about the problem, pay attention to the diversity of the answers to expand the students’ thinking space, and to improve the students’ critical ability.

30 Quenching effect

After a metal workpiece is heated to a certain temperature, it is immersed in a coolant (oil, water, etc.), and after cooling treatment, the workpiece has better and more stable performance. Long-term praise for some hot-headed students, may wish to set a small obstacle to “frustration education”, a few exercises, its psychological maturity, mental endurance will be stronger; for the trouble or has been intensified conflicts, may wish to use the “cold processing For troublesome matters or conflicts that have intensified, it may be worthwhile to adopt the “cold treatment”, put a period of time, thinking will be more thorough, the approach will be more secure.

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