1、Birdcage logic

  Hang a beautiful birdcage in the most conspicuous place in the room, in a few days, the owner will certainly make one of the following two choices: throw away the birdcage, or buy a bird back in the birdcage. This is birdcage logic. The process is simple: imagine you are the owner of the room, and whenever someone walks into the room and sees the birdcage, they can’t help but ask you, “Where’s the bird? Is it dead?” When you reply, “I’ve never had a bird.” People will ask, “Then what do you need a birdcage for?” Eventually you’ll have to choose one of two options, because it’s easier than endless explanations. The reason for birdcage logic is simple: people overwhelmingly adopt inertial thinking. So you can see how important it is to develop logical thinking in life and work.

2、Broken window effect

  Psychological research on a phenomenon called “broken window effect”, that is to say, a house if the window is broken, no one to repair, not long after the other windows will somehow be broken; a wall, if there is some graffiti did not clean off, very quickly, the wall is covered with messy, unpleasant things. A very clean place, people will be embarrassed to throw garbage, but once there is garbage on the ground after the appearance of people will not hesitate to throw, do not feel the slightest shame. This is a very strange phenomenon.
  Psychologists study this “trigger point”, how dirty the ground has to be before people feel that it doesn’t matter if it’s a little bit dirtier anyway, and how bad the situation has to be before people will give up and let it rot to the end.
  Any bad thing, if it is not stopped at the beginning and forms a trend, it cannot be changed. It is like a river bank, a small gap is not repaired in time, and the dam can collapse, resulting in millions of times of losses.
  Crime is actually the result of disorder, New York City in the 80’s, really nowhere to rob, no day without killing, walking on the road in broad daylight will also be afraid. Not to mention the subways, which were filthy and painted with obscenities, and everyone was afraid to sit in the subway. Although I have never been robbed, a professor was struck in broad daylight and blinded, thus ending his research career and making me turn pale when I talk about tigers for many years, not daring to go to New York alone for meetings. Recently, the cityscape and reputation of New York have been upgraded quite a lot, which surprised me quite a lot, for a city that has been sinking downwards can be revived from the dead and uplifted.
  Therefore, when I went out for a meeting and ran into a criminologist, I immediately asked him for advice. It turned out that New York City had adopted the theory of the broken window effect as mentioned in the books in the past, whereby the environment for crime was first improved to make it less difficult for people to commit crimes, and then slowly arresting the culprits and thieves and returning to order.
  At that time, although this approach was scolded as slow but not urgent, “the ship is sinking but still washing the deck”, but New York City or from the maintenance of subway cars clean to start, and will not buy a ticket for free ride in handcuffs with people in handcuffs lined up in a row standing on the platform, openly to the public to declare the government’s determination to rectify the results found very effective.
  The police found that people were really less likely to commit crimes on clean occasions, and also found that catching fare evasion was very rewarding, because one out of every seven fare evaders was a wanted criminal, and one out of twenty carried a weapon, so the police were willing to be very serious about catching fare evaders, which made thugs afraid to evade fares, and afraid to go out and carry a weapon, so as not to gain more than they could gain, or lose more than they could lose. In this way, New York City from the smallest, easiest place to start, breaking the crime ring knot (chain), so that this vicious circle can not continue.

3, responsibility decentralization effect
  At 3:20 on the night of March 13, 1964, in the United States of America in front of an apartment in a suburb of New York, a young woman called Juno than the white at the end of the wine bar between the work of the home on the way to be assassinated. When she cried out in desperation, “Someone’s trying to kill me! Help! Help!” Upon hearing the cries, nearby residents turned on their lights and opened their windows, and the murderer ran away in terror. When calm was restored, the murderer returned. When she screamed again, the nearby residents turned on the lights again and the murderer fled again. When she thought she was in the clear and returned to her house to go upstairs, the murderer once again appeared before her and killed her on the stairs. In the process, despite her cries for help and the fact that at least 38 of her neighbors came to the window to watch, none of them came to her rescue or even called the police. This incident caused a sensation in New York society, and also aroused the attention and thoughts of social psychologists. People call this phenomenon of many bystanders seeing the death of the phenomenon of responsibility dispersion effect.
  For the reasons for the formation of the dispersion of responsibility effect, psychologists have carried out a large number of experiments and investigations, the results found that: this phenomenon can not just say that the crowd’s callousness, or the performance of the growing moral degradation. Because in different occasions, people’s aid behavior is really different. When a person encounters an emergency situation, if he is the only one who can provide help, he will be conscious of his responsibility to help the sufferer. If he sees death, he will feel guilty and guilty, and this comes at a high psychological cost. If there are many people present, the responsibility of helping the helpers will be shared by everyone, resulting in the dispersion of responsibility, each person shares very little responsibility, the bystander may not even be aware of his own share of responsibility, thus creating a “I do not go to the rescue, by someone else to save” mentality, resulting in a “collective indifference” situation. Collective indifference” situation. How to break this situation, which is an important topic of psychologists are studying.

  1. Parkinson’s Law
      British famous historian Northgood Parkinson through long-term research, wrote a book called “Parkinson’s Law”. In the book, he elaborated on the causes and consequences of the expansion of the organization’s personnel: an incompetent official may have three ways out, the first is to apply for retirement and give the seat to a competent person; the second is to let a competent person to assist in their own work; and the third is to appoint two levels lower than their own people as assistants. The first way could not be taken, because it would result in the loss of many rights; the second way could not be taken, because the competent person would become his rival; it seemed that only the third way was the most suitable. So two mediocre assistants shared his work, and he himself gave orders from on high, and they posed no threat to his power. Since the two assistants were incompetent, they followed their example and found themselves two more incompetent assistants. So analogous, the formation of a bloated organization, people overworked, each other, inefficient leadership system.
  2. Halo effect   Pushkin, the famous Russian writer, suffered greatly from the halo effect. He fell madly in love with the so-called “Moscow’s first beauty” Natalie, and married her. Nathalie looks amazing, but with Pushkin’s different aspirations. When Pushkin every time to write a good poem read to her. She always covered her ears and said, “Don’t listen! Don’t listen!” On the contrary, she always want Pushkin to play with her, to attend some luxury party, ball, Pushkin for this to leave the creation, get in debt, and finally also for her duel and died, so that a literary superstar fell prematurely. In Pushkin’s view, a beautiful woman is bound to have extraordinary wisdom and noble character, but this is not the case, this phenomenon is known as the halo effect.
      The so-called halo effect is that in interpersonal interactions, the characteristics of a certain aspect of a person’s body, masking the other characteristics, thus causing interpersonal cognitive barriers. In daily life, “halo effect” often quietly affects our perception and evaluation of others. For example, some older people on the individual shortcomings of young people, or dress, living habits do not see eye to eye, that they must have no success; some young people because of the adoration of a friend of a lovely place, he will see him everywhere lovely, the so-called “a handsome cover up a hundred ugly”. Halo effect is a kind of generalization of subjective psychological speculation, its error lies in: first, it is easy to seize the individual characteristics of things, the habit of individual and general, like the blind man feeling the elephant, point for face; second, it is not intrinsically linked to some of the personality or appearance characteristics together, asserting that there is such a feature will inevitably be another kind of characteristics; third, it is said to say good on all sure, say bad on all negative, this is a subjective bias governed by the subjective bias. This is a kind of absolute tendency governed by subjective bias. In short, the halo effect is a cognitive disorder that has a great impact on human psychology in interpersonal communication, and we should try our best to avoid and overcome the side effects of the halo effect in our communication.

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