6, Hawthorne effect (Hawthorne effect)   Psychology of a kind of experimenter effect. 20-30 years of the 20th century, the United States researchers in the Chicago Western Electric Company Hawthorne plant working conditions, social factors and production efficiency relationship between the experiment found the experimenter effect, called the Hawthorne effect.  The first… Continue Reading Top 10 Psychologies Humans Can’t Resist(2)

1、Birdcage logic   Hang a beautiful birdcage in the most conspicuous place in the room, in a few days, the owner will certainly make one of the following two choices: throw away the birdcage, or buy a bird back in the birdcage. This is birdcage logic. The process is simple: imagine… Continue Reading Top 10 Psychologies Humans Can’t Resist(1)

Many people often see others but don’t understand themselves.The 15 most accurate psychological tests to see into your heart! This is a still picture, the more your psychological pressure, the faster the picture turns, while children look at this picture is usually still. Test your mental stress. The horizontal lines… Continue Reading The 15 Most Accurate Psychometric Tests to See Inside Your Head

Career Personality Test(93Q) builds upon the 16Personalities framework. It assesses individuals across four dichotomies, resulting in 16 distinct personality types. Each of the 16 personality types has its own characteristics, strengths, and potential areas for growth.Taking the test can be highly beneficial. The results help you understand your natural tendencies,… Continue Reading Career Personality Test

Most people would probably benefit from being more aware of their attachment styles in close relationships with the crucial knock on effects this has on our partners,friends,work relationships and children.It’s part of healthy maturing to keep what we value from our upbringing and work to change what we feel is… Continue Reading Attachment Styles in close relationships.(ECR)

DISC is a behaviour self-assessment tool originally based on the 1928 DISC emotional and behavioural theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, which centred on four personality traits: Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance. This theory was then developed into a behavioural assessment tool by industrial psychologist Walter Vernon Clarke. Marston was… Continue Reading DiSC personality test