slpxpp – RVVR Research Institute Perceive the future Fri, 10 May 2024 07:17:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 slpxpp – RVVR Research Institute 32 32 MMPI-2 Test Fri, 10 May 2024 06:47:36 +0000 Continue Reading MMPI-2 Test]]> In 1989, the University of Minnesota officially launched the MMPI-2. A team of psychologists at the university, including J. Butcher, revised 82 of the original 550 MMPI items (after eliminating 16 duplicate items) and introduced 154 new provisional items. These new items addressed psychological issues and personality areas that were not covered by the original MMPI, such as family dynamics, eating disorders, substance abuse, psychological readiness for treatment and recovery, and resistance to therapeutic work. This resulted in a final set of 567 items for the MMPI-2.
The MMPI-2 introduced a new scoring method. With the exception of clinical scales 5 and 0, all clinical scales (with or without K), supplementary scales, and new content scales adopted a uniform T-score scoring. This facilitated the interpretation of the MMPI-2, overcame the limitations of T-score interpretation, and allowed for direct comparison of different scale scores for the same individual, and the same scale scores for different individuals.
The test is designed for individuals who are at least 16 years old, have a minimum education level equivalent to junior high school, and do not have any physiological impairments that would affect the test results. The recommended duration for the test is approximately 45 minutes to 2 hours.
The purpose of the MMPI-2 is to provide an objective assessment of an individual’s personality traits. This MMPI-2 test uses an international norm.

Please note:
1. If possible,The test should be completed under the supervision of a professional psychologist.
2. Please seek a doctor’s advice in addition to using this app and before making any medical decisions.

Multi-language,MMPI-2,MMPI2,Depression,Multiphasic Personality Inventory,psychosis,Mental illness

Report Example

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The Beauty of Mistakes Tue, 23 Apr 2024 06:48:34 +0000 Continue Reading The Beauty of Mistakes]]>
A senior girl just locked the door of her dormitory, ready to go to class, her sister rushed to her, handed her a box of birthday cake, said: “In two days is your birthday, I would like to that day to give you a birthday dinner, but the unit asked me to go on a business trip, so the dinner can not be done.” The girl put the box of cakes from the window to a bed by the window.

After the evening study hall, the girl returned to the dormitory, see seven or eight students are talking and laughing, and each hand is holding a piece of cake. Suddenly, the girl remembered her sister sent the box of birthday cake, not waiting for the girl to speak, the bed next to the window of the female classmates pulled the girl’s hand and said excitedly: “I’m so happy! I can’t believe someone knows today is my birthday, specially sent me a box of cake, the cake has beautiful patterns and letters, but it’s a pity you came back late and didn’t see.” Said, that student with a toothpick skewer up a piece of cake to the girl’s hands, eagerly asked: “We do not know who sent the cake, you last to leave the dormitory, I guess you must know who sent the cake, tell me, this person is a man or a woman?”

At that moment, someone said mischievously, “You’re so ugly, how can any boy like you!” The girl really wanted to say that the cake is her sister to give her, but, looking at a happy face and the wrong to think that someone else to send the cake of the classmates look forward to, the girl can not bear to let everyone spoil the fun, more can not bear to let the classmates embarrassed, so the girl will be wrong for the wrong to lie back: “It is a very handsome boy!” The crowd applauded, “That boy must be in love with you!” A big smile broke out on that student’s face. After lights out, that student quietly leaned over to the girl’s ear and asked, “Is that boy from our class? Do you know him?” The girl had to say, “It was dark, I didn’t see his face clearly.”

The next few days, the center of the dormitory can not be separated from the topic of the mysterious boy to the classmate to send cake, although the results of the talk can not be, but the classmate’s face is always overflowing with happiness, and she studied harder, she was looking forward to the “Prince Charming” appeared.

On the eve of graduation, the girl saw the classmate’s hair tied on a pink ribbon, the girl knew that the pink ribbon is wrapped in the sister when she gave her birthday cake box that one. The girl really wanted to tell her the truth, but she swallowed her words. The classmates show that the unique dreamy expectations of young girls in spring, so that the girl was deeply touched, the girl decided to continue to make mistakes, so that she can take the sweet dream to a new life.

Not all mistakes are upsetting, will leave regrets, sometimes will be wrong can be “wrong” out of the beautiful.

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Riddle in the Valley Tue, 23 Apr 2024 06:45:46 +0000 Continue Reading Riddle in the Valley]]>

In Quebec, Canada, there is a valley running north-south. There is nothing special about the valley, but the only thing that attracts attention is that its western slope is full of cedar, cypress, and female trees, while the eastern slope grows only cedar.

This landscape is a mystery, many people do not know why, has not been another satisfactory conclusion. Uncover this mystery is a couple. It was a winter, the couple’s marriage is on the verge of breaking up. In order to rediscover their former love, they planned to take a romantic trip. When they came to the valley, it was snowing heavily, so they set up their tent and looked at the snow flying in the sky, following the wind direction, always the snow on the east slope is bigger and denser than that on the west slope. Not long after, the cedar fell on a thick layer.

However, when the snow to a certain thickness, the elastic branches of the cedar will bend downward until the snow slides down from the branches. In this way, repeated accumulation of snow, repeated slippage, cedar intact. But other trees, because they do not have these skills, many branches are broken. And those trees on the western slope, because of less snow, there are always some trees survived. So the western slope in addition to the cedar, there are cypress, female and other trees.

The wife in the tent discovered the secret and said to her husband, “There must have been miscellaneous trees growing on the eastern slopes as well, but they just wouldn’t bend before they were destroyed by the snow.” The husband nodded in agreement. In a few moments, the two seem to suddenly understand what as if, kissing and embracing each other ……

Warm tips: human life is also so. In our decades of life mileage, often subject to big, small, internal, external and so on all kinds of pressure, for these pressures to withstand as much as possible. In indeed can not bear the time, learn to bend a little, like a cedar to let a step, so that will not be crushed, they created for their own survival of the environment ……

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The Stubborn Stone of the Heart Tue, 23 Apr 2024 06:43:42 +0000 Continue Reading The Stubborn Stone of the Heart]]> The stubborn stone in our mind that prevents us from discovering and creating is simply the obstacles in our psyche and the stubborn stone in our mind. Once upon a time, there was a big stone in a family’s vegetable garden, about forty centimeters wide and ten centimeters high. Anyone who went to the garden would kick the boulder and either fall or get bruised.
My son asked, “Dad, why don’t you dig up that nasty stone?”
The father replied, “You mean that rock? Since your grandfather’s time, it has been put into the present, its size is so big, I do not know until when to dig, nothing boring digging stone, why not walk a little more carefully, but also can train your reflexes.”
After a few years, this big stone left to the next generation, when the son married a daughter-in-law and became a father. One day the daughter-in-law said angrily, “Dad, that big stone in the vegetable garden, the more I look at it, the more unpleasant it is to me, so I’ll ask someone to move it away some day.”
Dad replied, “Forget it! That big stone is very heavy, if it could be moved, it would have been moved when I was a child, why would I let it stay until now?”
The daughter-in-law had a very bad taste in her heart, and she didn’t know how many times that big stone had made her fall. One morning, the daughter-in-law brought a hoe and a bucket of water, and poured the whole bucket of water around the boulder. Ten minutes later, the daughter-in-law used the hoe to stir up the soil around the boulder. Daughter-in-law was prepared, may have to dig a day, who did not expect a few minutes to dig up the stone, look at the size of the stone is not imagined so big, are deceived by the appearance of that huge.

Warm tips: you hold the idea of climbing downhill, there is no way to climb up the mountain. If your world is dull and hopeless, it is because you yourself are dull and hopeless. To change your world, you must first change your mind.

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Develop a good conversational demeanor Sun, 21 Apr 2024 16:04:07 +0000 Continue Reading Develop a good conversational demeanor]]>  

  Successful people aren’t necessarily smarter than others, but good habits make them more educated, knowledgeable, and competent; successful people aren’t necessarily more talented than others, but good habits make them well-trained, skillful, and prepared; successful people aren’t necessarily more determined or hard-working than those who aren’t successful, but good habits amplify their determination and effort and make them more efficient and organized.

  Whether it’s a boxing match or a fencing match, it’s important to have an opponent who volunteers to spar with you. No boxer throws punches without a target, and no swordsman goes around waving his sword and stabbing everyone. The same is true of speech. Just because you are eloquent, you can’t go around challenging people, and you can’t use all conversations as a subject for argument.

  Whether a person has the charm of conversation has a direct impact on whether he is attractive to the other party, related to whether he has good interpersonal relations. At the same time, it also affects whether he can show self-confidence in talking with others and whether he can have the courage to talk freely. Therefore, we should pay attention to enhance the charm of our own conversation when we train the self-confidence of our conversation. Mr. Experience Pocket Ragman

  The contents that make up the charm of conversation are very broad. The content of each person’s conversation, the conversation of the choice of words and phrases and layout of the material, means, the tone of voice, tone of conversation, the conversation of the posture, gestures, expression …… can be refracted whether he has the charm of the conversation.

  Let’s talk about the demeanor of the conversation.

  The so-called poise refers to the beautiful demeanor, posture and expression. Conversation style is a person’s inner temperament of speech performance, is a person’s culture of externalization. Make their own conversation with manners, is to enhance the charm of the conversation an important way. Good conversation style, often has a great attraction. Whether it is the men’s conversation in the rigid and steady temperament, or women’s conversation in the charm of the charm of the style; whether it is the diplomats that the courteous talk, or politicians that the steady and robust speech, will be admired by people who have been, and love. As the German dramatist Lessing said: “Manner is a special form of reproduction of beauty.”

  Confucius Yun: “WenQiBinQi, then gentleman.” Manner is the proper integration of external language and internal temperament. First of all, poise is a manifestation of character and upbringing. If a person does not have noble moral sentiments, no certain cultural cultivation, no elegant personality interest, its conversation is bound to be vulgar and mean, trivial and indecent. Secondly, poise is a performance of character traits. For example, the character of gentle tolerance, quiet and thoughtful people, often a few sentences of whispering can contain strong emotional components; and rough and bold, straight temperament, the conversation is open, straight to the point. Again, poise is a manifestation of cultivation. This is mainly manifested in the handling of interpersonal relations, not humble, graceful and generous. Finally, demeanor is a person to talk about the choice of words and phrases, tone of voice, gestures and expressions and so on the comprehensive performance. Such as the judge in the courtroom conversation, is sitting down, do not smile, bite the words, logic, meticulous.

  Conversation style is diverse and colorful. Sprinkled, eloquent talk is demeanor, just a few words, timely and hair is demeanor; laughing, graceful is demeanor, gentle, containing but not exposed is also demeanor; answer questions, pondering again and again is demeanor, the topic of the fly, respond to the flow is also demeanor; softly slow, courteous is the demeanor, generous, valiant is also the demeanor. Everyone in the cultivation of their own conversation style, should be based on their own personality traits, interests and hobbies, thinking ability, knowledge structure and other choices. In addition, the same person, on different occasions, in different environments, the poise of their conversation is also different. For example, a teacher lecturing in the classroom and chatting with family members at home are two very different manners. Mr. Experience Pocket Ragman

  Conversational poise is a natural human characteristic that is in tune with the times. We are opposed to pursuing poise out of context of the times, and we are also opposed to talking about poise out of context of one’s own personality and identity. Any talk that is knitting its brows, scratching its head, or having no personality has no poise to speak of.

  In our daily conversations, judgments or lectures, we may come across this situation: when the same words are said by this person, we are very willing to accept them, whereas when they are said by another person, not only are we unwilling to accept them, but we will also have some feelings of resentment. Why do these two opposite results occur? This actually involves a person’s attitude of conversation, and the attitude of conversation is the most direct reflection of the talker’s demeanor.

  The purpose of our conversation is to tell others what we mean, so that they understand, know, believe or sympathize with us. If we say something, others have little reaction, not convinced or resentment, it is meaningless, it is better not to say. So, how can we exercise an ideal eloquence of saying one thing at a time? This requires the talker to understand both themselves and each other, and strive to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Mr. Experience Pocket Rag

  Perhaps, everyone understands that it doesn’t matter what the other person says, the most important thing is his attitude. If the attitude is good, everyone is willing to talk to him. Even if he does not agree with us or is not satisfied with our behavior, we are still willing to talk to him. If the attitude is not good, it means that even the best topic cannot proceed smoothly.

  So what exactly is a good attitude? It is to have a correct understanding of people and full sympathy, both of which are the basic elements of a good attitude. However, how can we make the other person feel our understanding and sympathy for people? The important manifestation of a good attitude is embodied in this. If we don’t pay attention to this manifestation, then even if we are very sympathetic people, we may be perceived as cold, proud, and selfish. Therefore, we need to pay attention to what we really are in the minds of others, and try to understand what they want us to be like and what they like about us.

  So, in general, i.e., in everyday life, in normal social situations with ordinary friends, what are the specific things that others would like us to be like?

  First of all, others would like us to be friendly to him and would like us to be willing to be friends with him; others would like us to sympathize with his difficulties and to forgive his faults; others would also like us to care for them, to help them, to think about their problems and to give them useful advice, and to be friendly, loyal and warm-hearted friends with them.

  Secondly, others want us to be interested in the person and in what he does and says. Consequently, it is better for us to be people who are interested in everything. Originally, our interests were like those of people in general, and we were often easily attracted to interesting people and conversations, while ignoring the less intriguing people or things. If we are sympathetic people, we should not be so, but should learn to be able to take account of the whole, and to take special care of those who are not noticed. When we talk, we must see everyone present, and our eyes, at all times, must rest for a moment on each face, paying special attention to those who have said little and to those who seem less at ease, trying to find something to talk to them about, in order to relieve them of their nervousness and uneasiness.

  In short, others want us to be interested in whatever he has to say and want our attitude to be friendly and good. As a successful conversationalist, we strive to do so. Giving a good attitude when we talk is a guarantee of showing the charm of our conversation.

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Make strangers your friends in just 5 minutes Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:59:56 +0000 Continue Reading Make strangers your friends in just 5 minutes]]>

  1. Say hello first
  2. Introduce yourself to others
  3. Take risks and don’t be afraid of rejection
  4. Show your sense of humor
  5. Be open to new ideas
  6. Do your best to remember other people’s names
  7. If you forget someone’s name, then ask again
  8. Show curiosity and some interest in others
  9. tell others about the big things in your life
  10. Tell others how you are doing
  11. make others feel like you are good listeners by restating their points in other ways.
  12. be enthusiastic about the exciting things in your life with people you meet
  13. Get out of your circle and make new friends
  14. Recognize each other’s individuality
  15. Show your sense of humor when talking to other people
  16. Tell people what you are doing in short sentences
  17. Reintroduce yourself when someone forgets your name.
  18. tell others about something interesting and challenging that you do
  19. be alert to open and closed body language
  20. use eye contact and smile when you first talk to someone
  21. greet people you see regularly
  22. look for common interests, goals, and experiences among the people you know
  23. Help others in any way you can
  24. Let others talk to you.
  25. Answer common courtesy questions directly and honestly.
  26. Show enthusiasm for the other person’s interests.
  27. Balance the amount of information exchanged with each other
  28. Be able to talk about a wide variety of topics
  29. Stay attuned to current issues and events that affect the lives of all people.
  30. Listen openly to the thoughts and feelings of others.
  31. express your feelings, opinions, and emotions to others
  32. Use “I” and express your feelings when talking about personal matters.
  33. Don’t use “you” when you want to say “I.”
  34. Make the person you are talking to feel that you are willing to talk to them.
  35. Invite people to join you for dinner, a social event, or other friendship activities.
  36. keep in touch with friends and acquaintances
  37. Seek the advice of others
  38. Look for positive people you meet
  39. begin and end your conversations by addressing people by name, shaking hands, or greeting them warmly
  40. Take time to talk to your neighbors and co-workers in a heartfelt way.
  41. Make others feel that you want to know more about them.
  42. Ask someone about something they told you in a previous conversation.
  43. Listen carefully to the clues that others give in what they say.
  44. If you’ve had enough of one topic, change the subject at the right time.
  45. Always search for other people’s interests
  46. Praise people for what they wear, do or say.
  47. Send signals of acceptance to encourage others to communicate with you.
  48. Try to find people you like and have fun talking with
  49. When you tell a story, state the main point first, followed by the details that support the argument.
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Smiling is a form of cultivation Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:56:27 +0000 Continue Reading Smiling is a form of cultivation]]>

Life doesn’t owe us anything, so there’s no need to be bitter all the time. You should be grateful for life, at least, it gives us life, gives us the space to survive. 

  Smiling is an attitude towards life, and is not necessarily related to wealth, status, or situation. A rich man may be worried all day long, while a poor man may be in a good mood: a disabled person may be frankly optimistic; a person in a good situation may be worried, while a person in a bad situation may be smiling ……

  A person’s mood is affected by the environment, which is very normal, but you are bitter, a bitter look, the situation will not have any change, on the contrary, if the smile to live, that will increase affinity, others are more happy to socialize with you, get more opportunities.

  Only people who have sunshine in their hearts can feel the sunshine of reality, if even their own often bitter face, how good is life? Life is always a mirror, shining to our image, when we cry, life is crying, when we smile, life is also smiling.

  Smile from the heart, not humble, neither to the weak fool, nor to the strong flattery. Flattery when the smile, is a fake smile, and the mask is not long, once the opportunity, they will remove the mask, revealing the original face.

  Smile has no purpose, whether it is to the boss, or to the janitor, that smile is the same, the smile is the respect for others, at the same time is the respect for life. Smile is rewarded, interpersonal relationships are like the balance of forces as stated in physics, how you treat others, how others will treat you, the more you smile at others, the more others will smile at you.

  The more you smile at others, the more they will smile at you. After being misinterpreted by others, you can choose to be angry, or you can choose to smile, usually the power of the smile will be greater, because the smile will shock the other person’s mind, revealing the open-mindedness to make the other person feel that he or she is small and ugly.

 Clear from the clear, turbid from the turbid. Sometimes too much explanation, argument is not necessary. For those who are unreasonable, deliberately slander people, give him a smile, the rest of the things let time to prove it.

  Back then, some people everywhere that Einstein’s theory is wrong, and said that there are one hundred scientists to jointly testify, Einstein knew about this matter, just a faint smile, said, one hundred? You want so many people? As long as the proof that I am really wrong, a person to come forward will be fine.

  Einstein’s theory has stood the test of time, and those people let a smile defeat.

  A smile comes from the heart, it can’t be faked. Keep a smile on your face and your life will be better. There are setbacks in life, there are failures, there are misunderstandings, that’s normal, in order to live a smooth road, then first of all should be removed from the heart of the obstacles. The essence of the smile is love, know how to love people, must not be mediocre.

  Smile is the best card of life, who does not want to make friends with an optimistic person? Smile can give yourself a kind of confidence, can also give others a kind of confidence, so as to better stimulate the potential.

  Smile is the best language between friends, a natural flow of a smile, better than a thousand words, whether it is the first time to meet or not, have known each other for a long time or not, a smile can draw people closer to each other, and another warmth between each other.

  Smile is a kind of cultivation, and is a very important cultivation, the essence of the smile is kind, is to encourage, is warm. People who really know how to smile, always easy to get more opportunities than others, always easy to succeed.

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Uncover 20 truths about women’s relationships with men Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:51:03 +0000 Continue Reading Uncover 20 truths about women’s relationships with men]]>

1, if your parents are not too poor to love the rich, and to character reasons to prevent you and someone to fall in love, do not want to prove them wrong, it is desperately trying to love him, you will find that you ate the pain far more than imagined. You’ll realize that you’ve suffered far more than you thought. And by the time you’ve been able to reap the rewards, the years have left no room for remorse. You but proved that the person than they can see is still a lot of bad.

2, if a man in the relationship has been slashing open mouth with you to borrow money, you in his eyes is just a jackpot rate is very high to eat slot machine, or a short-circuit vending machine.

3, you like cool men, means the future will be a big problem, he will be so cool that he does not care about you.

4, he should at least know what he wants to say, otherwise, if you always like silent and strong man, it is easy to meet violent man. If you like silent and not strong men, you are prone to depression.

5, in the city suddenly found a vacant parking space on the side of the road, will want you to immediately get out of the car to occupy the parking space and wait for him to come around to park the man, will not take you as a baby to love. Gosh, get out of the car to occupy the parking space of the woman is really too common; careful, in many things he only take you as a shield.

6, Don’t seek out a man for shopping because you want a free porter.

7, don’t continue to irritate men in anger; they can act like aggressive reptiles. Even if what you say is right, anxious and angry men will not think they are at fault.

8, if he has an inferiority complex, even if you deliberately cover their own excellent, but also can not enhance his self-esteem.

9, if you say no, he still decided that you have to try to see to know, or pretend not to hear continue to let the hand wandering in your body, rest assured that in the future, he still will not take your words as a human word.

10, dating the first three months, by your request and did not change the bad habits, usually a lifetime will not change, unless he survived a plane crash and changed his life from now on, or converted to Buddhism into a man without desire. For example, smoking ……

11, borrow marriage for freedom of women, will always find that marriage makes her lose more freedom.

12, according to the survey, only less than one percent of women find that completely with a man’s money is a happy thing (I think that one percent of women, because they can’t use it, so they fantasize that it must be very beautiful). You still plan to find a fishing rod early, don’t rush to find the freezer; even if there are endless fish in the freezer, most of them are not fresh and tasty.

13, never want to prove themselves than his mother virtuous.

14, the woman will not do a good job because of bad love; however, do not do a good job of the man is not good love.

15, do not say to him, even if he has another woman, as long as not holding a child back, you do not care. He will think he is the imperial sword of the minister, you will also find that he actually thought you are not joking.

16, if you and he is not happy together now, married must be more unhappy; two people live in unhappy, have a child after more people are not happy.

17, do not have to stay until the endurance of the endurance, the go, the future you will thank their own kindness and wisdom.

18, unless you can train a cat to swim, or a look at the can just opened without wagging the tail, you should never think you can 100% control their own children ……

19、If he says he doesn’t deserve you, believe him right away!

20, Don’t marry a man who hates his mother!

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What are norms in psychological scales? Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:33:27 +0000 Continue Reading What are norms in psychological scales?]]>

Psychological scales use norms, and without norms, evaluations based on simple absolute or relative scores are usually of questionable validity.

A norm is a standardized measure for comparison, calculated from a standardized sample of test results, i.e., the mean and standard deviation of a standardized sample. It is the standard of reference score used in talent assessment to compare and interpret test results. Test scores must be compared to some standard in order to show what it represents.

A norm is a standardized measure for comparison, calculated from the test results of a standardized sample, which is the reference score standard used for comparison and interpretation of test results in psychometric testing.
According to the size and source of the sample, there are usually national norms, regional norms and special norms, and according to the specific application criteria and score characteristics, there are also percentile norms, standardized score norms and so on.
For the test developer, the choice of norms is based primarily on knowledge of the general population that the test will be administered to, and the norm group must be representative of that population.

An example. To study the values of college students, the general population is college students, and the sample selection must be based on the nature of the population, such as: gender, age, major, family background, etc., to find a representative sample to represent the target population, to meet all the conditions before it can be called the normative model, to be truly representative. This will have a norm score, usually is the administration of the norm sample out of the original scores of the test subjects according to certain rules to convert out of the derived scores.

Norm (norm) usually have the following kinds:

  (1) mean: a common form of norm. The results measured by a subject (crude score, or raw score) and standardized samples when compared to the average, in order to determine the level of its performance.

  (2) Standardized scores: the mean is still limited in what it can tell us. Looking only at the mean and not paying attention to the dispersion, the information obtained about the subjects is very limited. If the standardized score is used as a norm, it can provide more information. Standard scores indicate where a subject’s test scores fall on the distribution of scores in a standardized sample. Standard Score (Z) = the difference between the subject’s score (X) and the sample mean (x) (i.e., X-x) divided by the standard deviation of the sample scores (SD). This is simplified to Z = (X-x)/SD. In this way, not only is the subject’s performance compared to the sample at the top or bottom of the scale, but also by how many standard deviations.

  Many scales use this norm or a norm derived from it. For example, in Wechsler’s scale, the departure IQ = 100 + 15(X-x )/SD is one such model. The difference between the deviant IQ and the standardized scores is that the standardized scores have a mean of 0, while the deviant IQ has a mean of 100, i.e., Z=X is 0 in the standardized scores, but 100 in the deviant IQ; and secondly, the SD of the standardized scores varies according to the sample, whereas in the deviant IQ, the standard deviation is made to be 15 (16 in the case of the Stanford Binet).

  (3) T-score: The T-score norm is another common norm derived from the standard score. For example, the MMPI uses this norm. The difference between it and the deviation IQ is that the mean value and standard deviation are different, and the formula for calculating the T-score is:


  (4) Derived from the standardized score of the other forms of norms; standardized 20 and standardized 10 is in this category, are to change the mean and standard deviation of the values obtained. The formula is as follows;

Standard 20=10+3(X-x)/SD

Standard 10 = 5 + 1.5(X-x)/SD

  In the Wechsler scale, there are crude scores, scale scores and deviation IQ measures. The scale score is calculated by the Standardized 20 method.

  (5) Percentile rank (PR): This is another commonly used norm, which has been used earlier and is more versatile than the standardized scores. Its advantage is that it can be understood without the essentials of statistics. It is customary to rank poor scores at the bottom and good scores at the top, and to calculate the percentile range of each of the sample scores. The subjects’ scores are compared to the norm. For example, a percentile equivalent of 50 (P50) means that the subject’s score is equivalent to the 50th percentile of the standardized sample. That is, 50 percent of the sample had scores below his (the best of which were at most the same as his) and the other 50 percent had scores better than his. For example, at P25, it means that 25% of the sample is below him (or at best as good as him) and another 75% are better than him. And so on.

  (6) cut off score (cut off score): in the screening test is often used in this norm. For example, in education, when using the 100-point system, 60 points to pass, this is the cut-off score. The cut-off score for entrance examinations varies according to the performance of the candidates and the number of admissions. In clinical neuropsychological testing, a cut-off score is established by comparing the test scores of normal people with those of patients with encephalopathy, and this score is used to classify the presence or absence of brain damage. If a test is sensitive to detecting a certain type of brain damage, the cutoff score is valid. Very few, if any, patients would be classified as false negatives, and very few or no normal people would be classified as false positives. If there is no sensitivity, the chances of either false positives or false negatives are increased.

  (7) Ratio (or quotient): This type of norm is also more commonly used. For example, the ratio IQ was used before the deviation IQ method. The method of calculation: IQ = MA/CA x 100, which is to set MA (mental age) and CA (actual age) equal to 100 in order to make the IQ into a whole number. Impairment index = number of tests categorized as impaired / number of tests measured.

The above are generalized forms of norms, but there are also norms of various natures. For example, age norms (established by age groups), gender, region and various disease diagnosis norms. In terms of comparability, the more specific the norm is, the more valid it is. In terms of adaptability, norms are easier to use. For example, in the case of intelligence tests, the national norm is used in a wide range of areas, while the regional norm is used in a limited area. However, the latter is more accurate than the former. Although some norms are regional, they can be used in similar areas because the region is representative.

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PHENOMENA IN PSYCHOLOGY(148-174) Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:10:05 +0000 Continue Reading PHENOMENA IN PSYCHOLOGY(148-174)]]> 148 Mental Pendulum Effect

Human emotions, when influenced by external stimuli, are characterized by multiplicity and bipolarity. Each emotion has a different level, and there are opposite emotional states, such as love and hate, joy and sorrow. The law of “psychological pendulum” means that in the process of psychological activity in a specific context, the higher the level of feelings, the greater the “psychological slope”, and therefore it is easy to transform to the opposite emotional state, that is, if at the moment you are feeling excited, then the opposite That is, if you feel excited at the moment, the opposite mental state is likely to occur inevitably at another moment. Overcome this “psychological pendulum effect” method:

1, to eliminate some ideological bias. Life can not always climax, life can not always be poetry. Life has also have scattered, life has music also has bitter. Some people hope to live forever in the passion, romance, excitement and other ideal realm, thus the lack of the above factors of ordinary life is always repulsed by the intention of their state of mind will naturally be due to changes in the scene of life and the ups and downs. 2, people should learn to experience the different joys of various states of life. Both in the exciting activities in the experience of the passion of the passionate, but also in the plain as water in daily life to enjoy the leisurely life interest. The only way to avoid a great sense of loss and negative emotions in the life scene when a big change occurs. 3, to strengthen the role of reason on the regulation of emotions. People in the life of their own happy and excited time and space, should maintain a moderate degree of calm and sober. And when they turn into the emotional trough, we should try to avoid constantly compare and review their own emotional climax of the “exciting picture”, isolated from the source of stimulation, the attention to some can calm their state of mind or to invigorate their spirit of things and activities to go.

149 Orangutan Experiment

  Experts in psychology and zoology once did an interesting experiment: in two rooms with many mirrors on the walls, put in two gorillas respectively. An orangutan. Mild temperament, it just entered the room, it was happy to see the mirror inside a lot of “companions” to their own arrival are reported to a friendly attitude, so it quickly and this new “group” to play with, sometimes running and playing, and sometimes ear to ear, each other They got along very well with each other. Until three days later, when it was led out of the room by the experimenters, it was still reluctant to leave. The other orangutan was a violent character, from the moment it entered the room, it was in the mirror, “the same kind of” the vicious attitude of anger, so it and the new “group” for endless chase and fight, three days later, it was dragged out of the room by the experimenters. Three days later, he was dragged out of the room by the experimenters, because the violent orangutan had already died of exhaustion and heart failure.

  The inspiration of the “orangutan experiment” for school education is that, in the face of growing students, teachers should sincerely love and care about their students, and in particular, they should always adopt a friendly attitude towards them, because if teachers adopt a friendly attitude towards their students, the students will respond to them with a multiplying friendly attitude.

150 The “Sour Grapes” Mentality and the “Sweet Lemon” Mentality
The “sour grapes” mentality is a way of relieving some of our stress by saying that what we try to do but don’t get is “sour” and bad. For example: others have a good thing, I do not have, I want, but in fact I can not get. At this time, may wish to use the “sour grapes” mentality, in the mind to try to find that something bad place, say that something “bad”, to overcome their unreasonable needs.
The “sweet lemon” mentality is to think that one’s own lemon is sweet, “sweet lemon” means that one’s own all and can not get rid of things is good, to learn to accept themselves. Everyone has their own advantages, have their own advantages, everyone also has their own characteristics, do not easily say that they are not good, that is not as good as others, may wish to try the “sweet lemon” psychology will accept themselves, and gradually enhance self-confidence.

151Sheep herd effect

Is a common phenomenon that refers to the market behavior of some enterprises in management. For example, a flock (collective) is a very scattered organization, usually together blindly left and right. If a sheep finds a piece of fertile green grass and eats fresh grass there, the subsequent sheep will rush up and compete for the grass there, ignoring the wolves watching next to them or failing to see that there is better grass elsewhere. The emergence of the flock effect is generally in a very competitive industry, and the industry has a leader (leader) occupies the main attention, then the whole flock will continue to copy the leader of the sheep’s every move, the leader of the sheep to where to go to eat grass, the other sheep also go to where to pan for gold. Search engine this market competition intensified in the case of search engine giants on the action between the opponents very much attention, once a search engine appears a new function, or into a new field, many search engines will go to try this new “water and grassland” is really fertile, whether it is really Profitable.

152 Susceptibility Effect

Because previous learning has changed the structure of the learner’s knowledge, when encountering the material again, he will be more likely to perceive the potential meaning contained in the material. This phenomenon is known as the susceptibility effect. It is often used by assimilation theory to explain the effect of early review on the acquisition and retention of new knowledge. Assimilation theory suggests that when the newly acquired meaning is still relatively clear and intact in the cognitive structure, another exposure to this learned material and the already acquired cognitive content will cause this susceptibility effect in the learner. Thus, by reviewing earlier, learners are prone to perceive finer meanings and small differences.

153 The dissimilarity effect:

Psychologists once found in a test that men were much more civilized at male and female dining places than at male-only
dining is much more civilized, due to the fact that most people are more aware of what they say and do in the presence of the opposite sex.

154 The dominance effect

One can only succeed from one’s strengths and not from one’s weaknesses.

155 Stamp effect

Subjects that are linked to a specific thing, activity, or situation in a person are inferred with much greater accuracy.

156 Lunar Observation Effect

Due to the Sunday break, which disrupts the normal living and studying order of students, the will to study decreases, attention is distracted, and the spirit is lowered, thus affecting the effectiveness of learning, a phenomenon known as the Moon Yao Effect. This effect is often seen in the morning and afternoon first class, and is also very significant in the period after the vacation and the beginning of the school year. After a break, you should be refreshed and more efficient, but this is not the case, and it occurs according to the pattern of the Moon Effect. Some people refer to this as the moon sickness.

157 Bandwagon Effect.

Humans often have a tendency to engage in or believe what most other people do or believe, which is known as the “bandwagon effect”. In order not to isolate themselves from society, individuals often choose to do the same thing as the majority without thinking, and this bandwagon effect is the basis of the bandwagon fallacy and the bandwagon propaganda method.

A bandwagon is a direct translation of the English word bandwagon, which is the float that carries the band in a parade. By jumping on the bandwagon, participants can easily enjoy the music in the parade without having to walk, which is why the English phrase “jumping on the bandwagon” represents “entering the mainstream”. In this way, “jumping on the bandwagon” in English means “entering the mainstream”.

The bandwagon effect can often be seen in elections, for example, many voters like to vote for the candidate or party they think (or the media claims) is more likely to win, rather than their favorite, so as to increase their chances of being on the same side as the winner, which is also known as “watermelon snuggle big side” in Taiwan.

Bandwagon Fallacy: Derived from the bandwagon effect, the bandwagon fallacy is often referred to as the “fallacy of appealing to the masses” or the “fallacy of following the crowd,” which is the tendency to regard as true what a large number of people, or all people, believe, e.g., “Everyone says so, it can’t be wrong. If everyone says it, it can’t be wrong”!

However, it has been proven by many facts that what most or all people believe is not necessarily the right thing to do at the present time or through the evolution of time. For example, in the 18th century, the vast majority of people in the United States believed that slaves could exist in the world, but very few people in the United States think that way today. Or someone can claim that “smoking is healthy because so many people smoke,” when in fact there is so much medical evidence that smoking is bad for your health that you should say, “Smoking is bad for your health, even though so many people smoke.”

Bandwagon propaganda: The propaganda technique based on the bandwagon fallacy is the common bandwagon propaganda technique, in which the propagandist creates a “join us or else you’re against everyone” atmosphere, and demands that the listener accepts the idea as if it were accepted by everyone. The band float method also suggests to the listener that “it is better to be on the side of the winner than to be too concerned with right and wrong!”

Bandwagon floats are also often used in conjunction with other techniques, such as the “Four out of five physicians recommend a certain brand of gum ……” copy often seen in advertisements, which utilizes both bandwagon floats and “appeal to authority”. “Appeal to authority”.

158 The Johnson Effect

If you lack the proper mental qualities, you will fail in the arena even if you perform well in general.

159 The Brewing Effect: When a solution to a problem is repeatedly explored to no avail, putting the problem on hold for a while will often lead to a solution all at once due to some kind of opportunity.

160 Halo Effect
Halo effect, also known as halo effect. It refers to the fact that when people look at a problem, like the halo, it gradually spreads outward into a bigger and bigger circle from a central point, which is a kind of social psychological effect of substituting points for faces and generalizing under the influence of the halo or halo of salient features.
  Most of our perceptions of others in daily life are influenced by this effect. Because it makes people evaluate, recognize and treat people only according to a certain prominent feature of them, such as a person who performs well once, he is considered to be excellent in everything, and when he makes a mistake, he is said to be consistently poor in performance, etc. Therefore, the halo effect is a kind of social psychological effect of generalizing people’s perceptions. Therefore, the halo effect is a common social psychological effect that leads us into the misperception of people.
  In the perception of people’s appearance characteristics, such as the recognition of people’s appearance, the halo effect has certain positive effects and provides us with certain convenience. The negative effects of the halo effect tend to be most evident in judging a person’s moral character or character traits. It prevents us from observing and evaluating people comprehensively, so that we cannot find positive qualities and advantages in people with outstanding negative qualities, nor can we see shortcomings and deficiencies in people with outstanding positive qualities, and make a “worthless” or “perfect” evaluation of people. We can’t see the shortcomings and deficiencies in people who have outstanding positive qualities, and we can’t evaluate people as “useless” or “perfect”. As a matter of fact, in real life, there is no such thing as a good-for-nothing or a perfect person. Therefore, the halo effect is a danger of not seeing the mountain. It is easy to affect the accuracy and credibility of the evaluation of people by substituting points for faces and generalizing.
  Recognize and master this social psychological effect, help us to overcome the prejudice of others, but also conducive to our understanding of the causes of prejudice in others. This is especially important for leaders and managers.

161 Increase and decrease effect

People are most attracted to those who seem to increase their liking for them, and least attracted to those who seem to decrease their liking for them. Psychologists call this phenomenon in interpersonal interactions the “increase-decrease effect”.

162 plant psychology and the baxter effect backster:

I was born in lafayette, New Jersey. My education was interrupted by the effects of World War II, when I attended DeCossas Agricultural and Mechanical College and was the first naval officer to be drafted. Prior to my service, I was extremely interested in the phenomenon of hypnosis and did much research. I had some suggestions on the use of hypnosis for intelligence and counterintelligence, which went unnoticed because I had just enlisted.

Eight months after my discharge at the end of World War II, I had the opportunity to study with the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Service. After a short period of training, I stayed on at headquarters in Maryland as an instructor, teaching courses in intelligence investigations. At that time, my use of hypnosis in intelligence and counterintelligence began to attract attention. I began to have my own office and specialize in it with the windows closed, but progress was very slow. On one occasion, I had used hypnosis on the commander’s secretary to obtain top secret documents for security reasons. That secretary woke up without realizing it. For the sake of secrecy, I kept the document in safe custody that night. The next day, I handed the document to the commander, saying: one was to notify the special police to arrest me, and the other was to listen carefully to my explanation. Later they listened carefully to my explanation. At that time, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had just been established, and after hearing about this, the CIA discharged me early and hired me to work in the area of background investigations using polygraphs.

The polygraph was like a special instrument for intelligence work, and it seemed like a natural connection to my field of hypnosis, nocturnal travel, which I had studied. I tried to use them in my work. But in fact, I was bored with the work I was doing at the CIA. Because the CIA had just been set up, and a lot of people wanted a decent job at the FBI. We took lie detector tests on xxxxxx people. Those who passed the test were put on the eligible list. Then we conduct job type investigations to assign the right job. I quit my government job and started specializing in polygraphs. I set up my own lab in dc and expanded with another office in boltmore and a third in nyc. The lab eventually became a fixture in NYC and in 1959, along with my peers, competitors in the polygraph industry, I founded the school. The first school in the nation at the time taught the use of the polygraph. Once the school was established, it required the use of a large number of polygraphs. And 1/3 of the polygraph is a dermatoreactor, which uses graph lines to respond to changes in a person’s mood, etc.

This is a standardized test chart of blood pressure and pulse intensity using an analog single needle ECG recorder. The record above is a respiratory curve. What I’m interested in is the electronic curve, the curve drawn by the galvanic skin reactor. I’m watering a plant, a cattleya. The flower had a long leafy stem and long leaves, and at the time it had probably been growing for a year to a year and a half, and had been bought by my secretary from a florist downstairs that was closing down and going out of business, and at the time we had also bought a rubber tree. I was curious while watering, I wondered how long it would take for the water to get at the roots, through the long leaf rods and eventually to the tops of the leaves. I thought: well ah, it just so happens that these lie detector devices can be used to measure the change in its electrical resistance and also its skin induction. Attach its leaves to electrodes and see what happens. Because when water reaches the tip of the leaf, the conductivity of the leaf sandwiched between the electrodes increases.

After watering, I thought I would see the drawn curve trend upward because the resistance gets lower as the water reaches it. Surprisingly, the trend of the curve instead showed a continuous downward trend, and I moved the pointer to the upper end, where the curve continuously slid downward. The shape of this section of the curve here caught my attention, if it were a skin electric response, we would interpret this section as representing mood swings, this section as representing emotional recovery, followed by an overall downward trend. This is a localization of the entire graph, this one is a standard presentation of a downward trending skin-electrogram. I was really taken aback when I realized that the shape of this localized curve showed the same emotional response as a human being.

163 The Van Buren Effect
The higher the price of some goods is set, the more they are favored by consumers. One day a Zen master, in order to inspire his disciples, gave his land a stone and told him to go to the vegetable market, and to try to sell it, which was very large and beautiful. But the master said, “Don’t sell it, just try to sell it. Watch it, ask a lot of people, and then just tell me how much it will sell for in the vegetable market.”
The man went. At the vegetable market, many people looked at the stone and thought: it would make a nice little ornament for our children to play with, or we could use it as a scale for weighing vegetables. So they bid, but only for a few small coins. The man came back. He said, “It will sell for a few coins at most.”
The Master said, “Now you go to the gold market and ask the people there. But don’t sell it, just ask the price.” Coming back from the gold market, this disciple was very happy and said, “These people are fantastic. They’re happy to offer up to a thousand dollars.”
The Master said, “Now you go to the jeweler’s market there and don’t sell it for less than 500,000.”
He went to the jeweler’s. He couldn’t believe that they were happy to offer 50,000 dollars, and he wouldn’t sell, and they continued to raise the price – they offered up to 100,000 dollars. But this disciple said, “I’m not going to sell it at that price.”
They said, “We’ll offer 200,000, 300,000!”
This disciple said, “I still can’t sell it at that price, I’m just asking the price.”
Although he found it unbelievable, “These people are crazy!” He felt for himself that the price in the vegetable market was enough, but didn’t show it. Finally, he sold the stone for 500,000 dollars.
He came back and the Master said, “But now you understand, this depends on you, on whether you have the touchstone, the understanding. If you don’t also ask for a higher price, you will never get a higher price.”
In this story city, the master has to tell the disciple is about realizing the value of life, but from the process of the disciple selling the stone, it reflects an economic law: the Van Buren effect.
We often see this scenario in life: style, leather almost a pair of leather shoes, in the ordinary shoe store selling 80 yuan, into the counter of the big mall, to be sold to a few hundred dollars, but there are always people who are willing to buy. 16,600 yuan of spectacle frames, 68,800 yuan of commemorative watches, 1,680,000 yuan of top-class pianos, these almost “sky-high” price of goods circulation. These almost “sky-high price” goods circulation, often can also be popular in the market.
In fact, the purpose of consumers buying such commodities is not only to obtain direct material satisfaction and enjoyment, but also to a greater extent to obtain psychological satisfaction. This gives rise to a peculiar economic phenomenon, that is, the higher the price of some commodities is set, the more they are favored by consumers. Since this phenomenon was first noticed by the American economist Van Buren, it was named “Van Buren effect”.
With the development of social economy, people’s consumption will increase with the increase of income, and gradually from the pursuit of quantity and quality transition to the pursuit of taste and style.
Understanding the “Van Buren Effect”, we can also use it to explore new business strategies. For example, by virtue of media publicity, their own image into goods or services on the reputation, so that the goods attached to a high-level image, giving people the “noble” and “extraordinary” impression, thereby strengthening the consumer’s goodwill towards the goods.
This conversion of value in the consumer from the quantity, quality of the purchase stage to the transition to the emotional stage of purchase, it becomes possible. In fact, in some developed areas along the southeast coast, emotional consumption has gradually become a fashion, and as long as consumers have the ability to make such emotional purchases, the “Van Buren effect” can be effectively transformed into a marketing strategy to increase market share.

164 The Ziggy Nick Effect

Try this: draw a circle with one brush stroke, leaving a small intentional gap at the intersection. Look back at the circle, and now your mind will be flashing to fill the blank arc of the idea. Because there is always a sense of unfinished business, and you’re trying to find a way to end it for psychological fulfillment. There was a psychologist named Bruma Zygodnik who gave a series of assignments to 128 children, and she had them complete one part of the assignment and made them stop in the middle of another. The results were tested after an hour. 110 children remembered the work that was stopped in the middle. Zignac concluded that people are more forgetful of work that has already been completed because the “desire to finish” has been satisfied, while unfinished work lingers in the mind. This is the so-called ‘Ziguinchor Effect’. What is the psychological mechanism of the Zigzag effect? The German psychologist Llewellyn, known as the father of modern social psychology, believes that humans have a natural tendency to complete a unit of behavior, such as solving a riddle, studying a book, etc., which is called “psychological tension”. Research has also shown that all people attempt to fulfill their needs and complete actions. These are both innate needs (hunger, thirst, etc.) and semi-needs (urgent tendencies). In Levin’s view, the sources of individual agency are multiple and varied. Aroused but unsatisfied psychological needs generate a system of tensions that determine the tendencies, psychological tone and character of individual behavior. If the tension system is created by interrupting the process of satisfying a need or solving a task, it can lead a person to take action to reach a goal. According to Levin, an unfinished task perpetuates an unresolved tension system, and when the task is completed, the tension system that existed alongside it will also disappear. Thus, a person’s “psychological tension” system is the psychological mechanism that produces the “Ziguinchor effect”.

165 Self-Reference Effect
When we are exposed to something new, if it is closely related to ourselves, we will be motivated to learn it, and we will not easily forget it.

166 Self-selection effect

Once an individual chooses a certain path in life, there is inertia and self-reinforcement to continue on that path.

167 Gateway Effect
The so-called doorstep effect refers to the fact that after accepting a lower level of demands, a person, with proper guidance, tends to gradually accept a higher level of demands. The effect was proposed by American social psychologists Friedman and Fraser in 1966 in a field experiment on the Stress-Free Submission: Ascending Doorstep Technique.

168 The Primacy Effect
The primacy effect, sometimes referred to as the role of first impressions, refers to the role of the first impression of a perceptual object on the perceiver in influencing social perception. Specifically, it refers to the initial contact with a person or event that creates a mental stereotype of someone or something with an emotional component, which in turn affects subsequent evaluations of that person or event. Therefore, we can see that this effect is detrimental to the collection of correct information to be analyzed in decision-making. Whether the first impression is good or bad, it is one-sided, and is not conducive to a comprehensive understanding and analysis.
The effect of first impressions is called the primacy effect. According to the first impression to evaluate a person’s good or bad, often more biased. If the recruitment test and examination of employee performance, only on the basis of first impression, will be blinded by certain superficial phenomena.
The first cause effect is mainly manifested in two aspects in the recruitment process: first, judging people by their appearance. The instrumentation, elegant candidates are easy to win the examiner’s favor, and the second is to speak for people, those who are eloquent, often give a good impression of the repartee. Therefore, in the selection of talent, not only to listen to their words, look at their appearance, but also check their behavior, test their performance.

169 Heterosexual effect
Ms. Li is the manager of a company’s public relations department. She has a wide range of contacts, and she has made great achievements for the company. The company’s raw materials are in short supply, the material section of the comrades to run around, but hit a brick wall, and Ms. Lee went out to contact, and soon the problem will be solved. The company’s cash flow is seriously out of order, the urgent need for loans, the general manager as anxious as the ants on the hot pot. Ms. Li, again, the wind and dust, circling between the banks, and even obtained a loan of millions of dollars. Ms. Li is therefore highly valued by the leadership, salary, bonuses, plus and plus. Some people try to summarize the secrets of Ms. Lee’s success, found that she has a clear mind, agile eloquence, rich knowledge and experience, to receive things and treat people flexibly in addition to her dignified appearance, elegant instrument also has a great relationship.
In our daily life, we can often see the male salesman to receive female customers, generally more enthusiastic than the reception of male customers. The reason for Ms. Li’s success lies in the fact that today’s society is still a male-dominated society, and most of the men have to deal with men when they go out to do business, and it is smoother for a woman to come forward, which is the so-called “opposite-sex effect” in psychology. This is what is known in psychology as the “opposite sex effect”. This phenomenon is based on the attraction of the opposite sex. People are generally more interested in the opposite sex, especially in the appearance of pleasing, well-spoken and behavior of the opposite sex is interested in this point, women are no exception, but not as obvious as men to women. Sometimes in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, men also like to show themselves in front of women, which is also the “opposite sex effect” at work. However, the “opposite sex effect” should not be abused. Female appearance is beautiful, pleasing to the eye, if coupled with proper interaction, in front of the opposite sex to do things easily, this is normal; on the contrary, if to achieve a certain purpose, with the color to seduce others that is immoral. Men of the opposite sex, especially the young and beautiful opposite sex warm some, some polite is not to be disputed, but the opposite sex as a stimulus, want to get into the wrong, let a person feel “” colorful “”, let a person feel “”. Fascinated”, it exceeds the limit, therefore, with the opposite sex contact to grasp the “degree”.

170 Responsibility dispersion effect
March 13, 1964 night 3:20, in front of an apartment in the suburbs of New York, the United States, a young woman called Juno than white in the end of the bar work on the way home was assassinated. As she cried out in desperation, “Somebody’s trying to kill somebody! Help! Help!” Upon hearing the shouts, nearby residents lit their lights and opened their windows, and the killer ran away in terror. When calm was restored, the murderer returned. When she screamed again, the nearby residents turned on the lights again and the murderer fled again. When she thought she was in the clear and returned to her house to go upstairs, the murderer once again appeared before her and killed her on the stairs. In the process, although she cried out for help; at least 38 of her neighbors went to the window to watch, but no one came to her rescue, and no one even called the police. This incident caused a sensation in New York society, and also aroused the attention and thoughts of social psychologists. People put this phenomenon of many bystanders to see the death of the phenomenon known as the dispersion of responsibility effect.
For the reasons of the formation of responsibility dispersion effect, psychologists conducted a large number of experiments and investigations, the results found that: this phenomenon can not just say that the crowd’s callousness, or the performance of the growing moral degradation. Because in different occasions, people’s aid behavior is really different. When a person encounters an emergency situation, if he is the only one who can provide help, he will be conscious of his responsibility to help the sufferer. If he sees death, he will feel guilty and guilty, and this comes at a high psychological cost. If there are many people present, the responsibility to help the person in need of help will be shared by everyone, resulting in the dispersion of responsibility, each person’s share of responsibility is very small, the bystander may not even realize his own share of responsibility, thus creating a “I do not go to save, by others to save” mentality, resulting in a “collective indifference” situation. How to break this situation is an important topic that psychologists are studying.

171 Archimedes and the brewing effect
In ancient Greece, the king had a pure gold crown made, but he suspected that the craftsman had mixed silver in the crown. The problem was that the crown was as heavy as the one given to the goldsmith in the first place, and no one knew whether the goldsmith had done anything wrong. The king gave this problem to Archimedes. Archimedes in order to solve this problem, he tried a lot of ideas at first, but failed. One day when he went to take a bath, he sat down in the bath tub so that he could see the water overflowing and at the same time felt that his body was being gently lifted up, and he suddenly realized that he had solved the problem by applying the principle of buoyancy. Whether scientists or people in general, in the process of problem solving, we can find “put the problem aside for a period of time, in order to get a satisfactory answer” this phenomenon. Psychologists call this the “brewing effect”. Archimedes’ discovery of the law of buoyancy is a classic story of the brewing effect.

In our daily lives, we are often at a loss for a difficult problem, don’t know where to start, then the thinking enters the “brewing stage”. Until one day, when we put aside the problem in front of us to do other things, the answer to the problem suddenly appeared in front of us, so that we can not help but send out a similar Archimedes’s amazement, at this time, the “brewing effect” bloomed “thinking flower”, bearing the “answer”! This is when the “brewing effect” blossoms into the “flower of thought” and bears the “fruit of answer”. Ancient poems say “there is no way out of the mountain, and there is another village in the darkness” is exactly the portrayal of this mentality. Psychologists believe that the brewing process, there is a potential level of consciousness reasoning, stored in the memory of the relevant information in the subconscious combination, the reason why people in the rest of the time suddenly find the answer, because the individual eliminated the early psychological tension, forget the individual in front of the incorrect, leading to an impasse in the thought process, with a creative state of mind. Therefore, if you are faced with a difficult problem, you may wish to put it aside, go for a walk with friends, drinking tea, perhaps the answer will really “step through the iron shoes without looking for, get all the effort”.

172 Migration effect
In learning psychology, the effect of prior learning on subsequent learning is called the “migration effect”. There are three types of effects:
The effect of prior learning a promotes the effect of subsequent learning b is called the positive effect; the effect of prior learning a interferes with and hinders the effect of subsequent learning b is called the negative effect; and the effect of prior learning a promotes the effect of subsequent learning b has no effect, which is called the zero effect.
In daily life and learning, do not pay attention to the conditions related to the conditions of migration, the phenomenon of unnecessary migration will occur, for example, Japanese drivers in the United States driving, often have difficulties, and even car accidents. This is mainly because in Japan is “car left, people right”, while in the United States is just the opposite. Of course, if the migration effect is utilized well, it may produce the following effects. For example, in the baseball players to select out of the golf training team; let the English-speaking people to learn French, German, Spanish will generally have more satisfactory results.
This theory gives inspiration for learning:
First, pay attention to find the concepts, principles of the same, common place.
Second, pay attention to the summary of the learning method, that is, in the learning process, pay attention to master those with regular ways and means of solving problems.
Third, we should widely accumulate learning experience in all aspects.

Fourth, attention should be paid to preventing stereotypes from arising in the learning process, especially in the process of problem solving.

173 The Rising Up Effect
This is a positive effect opposite to the significance of the broken fall effect: when a big setback, the frustrated person not only does not get discouraged, but also inspires the will to change the present situation and work hard to achieve rapid success, i.e., the rising up effect.

174 Entry barrier effect
In psychology, the “entry barrier effect” refers to the fact that if a person accepts a trivial request from another person, he or she is very likely to accept a larger request in order to avoid cognitive dissonance or to leave a consistent impression on the other person. The theory of this effect was proposed by American social psychologists Friedman and Fraser in an experiment. The experiment went like this: the experimenters asked their assistants to go to two neighborhoods and persuade people to put up a big placard with “Drive Carefully” in front of their houses. In the first neighborhood, they directly asked people to do this, the result was rejected by many residents, only 17% of those who accepted the request. In the second neighborhood, the experimenters first asked residents to sign a petition in favor of safe driving, a small and easy request that almost all of them complied with. A few weeks later, they asked these residents to put up signs again, and this time, 55% of them accepted. Why did the same request to put up a sign produce such different results?

The researcher believes that it is natural for people to refuse requests that are difficult to do or that are against their will, but if a person cannot find a reason to refuse a small request, the tendency to agree to the request will increase; and after he has been involved in a small part of the activity, he will develop a variety of perceptions or attitudes that he will conform to the request by his own actions. If he refuses a later, larger request, he will experience cognitive dissonance, and the internal pressure to regain it will encourage him to continue or to help more, and will make the change in attitude an ongoing process. The phenomenon of using this method to get others to accept one’s request is called the “doorstep technique” in psychology.
If you learn how to use this technique to communicate with people in your daily life, it will be easier for you to get their cooperation and support. For example: traffic police on duty, found that some people driving violations, stopping the offending driver with harsh words to reprimand him, or roughly ordered to hand over his driver’s license to register a fine, such an attitude is likely to cause the driver’s psychological resistance, thus artificially increasing the difficulty of the work. At this point, may wish to consider according to the principle of “into the door of the effect”, a different way of communication with the driver to communicate. Here to provide a kind of ideas for reference: such as stopping the party, first smile and salute, and then a short publicity on his general knowledge of traffic safety, and then pointed out that it belongs to what kind of violation, may lead to what kind of consequences, as far as possible, from the point of view of the party’s own safety to persuade, so that he is truly aware of their own faults.
It is also best to use with the small publicity coloring pages or small cards of general knowledge of safety, so that the public know clearly which one of their own violation of the rules of driving, the design of a set of “friendly reminder cartoon pattern” so that he made a mistake from the “perpetrators of” cartoon series of stickers in the selection of appropriate The kind of stickers on the steering wheel, so that in the future driving at any time to remind themselves not to violate traffic rules. Such a method can not only achieve the purpose of education and management, but also in a harmonious atmosphere to form a better relationship between the police and the public. Even if you have to take measures such as fines, after such a paving, but also conducive to make the other side of the heart, take the initiative to cooperate with the attitude.
In fact, “into the door effect” can also be used in all aspects of life, which requires us to slowly find out and experience. You can use it in your interactions with people around you to make them willing to accept your point of view from the bottom of their hearts. Use this little psychological principle flexibly in real life, through the process of communication and interaction, step by step into other people’s “heart”, leaving a friendly impression on the other side.

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